The geologic analysis of lunar tectonic and co‐existing mass wasting features provides important insights into seismicity, seismic ground motion, and the seismic risk of the landed missions. Hence, we performed a detailed geologic mapping of tectonic features and co‐seismic boulder avalanches present at the 930‐km‐diameter lunar Orientale basin. We traced 6869 boulder falls at 141 sites along the basin rings, impact crater walls, and volcanic features. The boulder fields also occur on the graben walls and wrinkle ridges. The boulder trail length and width, and slopes of trail and source region of fallen boulders provide insights into formation processes and transport dynamics. Tens of sites have anomalously larger number of boulder falls and trail density. The cumulative size‐frequency distributions of superimposed impact craters present on the boulder trails provided their model formation ages varying between present and 7.5 Ma with at least eight formation episodes, suggesting the timings of seismic activities along the Cordillera and Outer Rook Rings. Many boulder falls are devoid of superimposed impact craters suggesting their recent origins, including some possibly triggered by the 1972 (MW 2.7) shallow moonquake that occurred near the Cordillera Ring. The formation rates of shallow moonquakes and impact craters along with the seismic ground motion simulations suggest that shallow moonquakes are more dominant sources of ground shaking for triggering the boulder falls in the last 30 million years. Therefore, the Orientale basin has been seismically active for long time and it may be seismically hazardous locally for the future landed missions. Plain Language Summary: Seismic hazard assessment of the Moon provides essential information for developing seismic‐resilient lunar bases where long‐term scientific exploration can be carried out. The 930‐km‐diameter Orientale basin has been proposed to be the landing site for the future human and robotic missions. Hence, we assessed whether the basin is seismically active and hazardous to the landed missions. For this, we relied on the local geology, mapped the boulder fall occurrences throughout the basin interior, characterized their morphology and formation ages, estimated the relative abundances of the shallow moonquakes and impact events, and modeled the seismic ground motion scenarios. Our study confirms that the Orientale basin is seismically active. The formation ages of boulder falls point to episodically occurring shallow moonquakes in the last eight million years. Our seismic ground motion simulations indicate that the shallow moonquakes are the major triggering sources for the origins of boulder falls in the basin. Although the Orientale basin may be locally hazardous to the future landed missions, seismically safe regions are also present in the basin. It is also a great place for the observation of local to globally occurring shallow moonquakes and we recommend a seismic observation network for this basin. Key Points: Thousands of boulder falls of varying density and morphometric properties are traced at hundreds of sites on the Orientale basinAt least eight episodes of boulder fall events ranging in ages from present to 7.5 Ma are recognized in the Orientale basinThe Orientale basin is seismically active for the last few million years and shallow moonquakes triggered the majority of boulder avalanches [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]