
Showing total 107 results
107 results

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1. Early Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: Integrating Histopathology with Artificial Intelligence.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

3. Automating the Analysis of Negative Test Verdicts: A Future-Forward Approach Supported by Augmented Intelligence Algorithms.

4. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches Applied to Non-Invasive Imaging for Early Detection of Melanoma: A Systematic Review.

5. Vertebral Column Pathology Diagnosis Using Ensemble Strategies Based on Supervised Machine Learning Techniques.

6. AI-Based Glioma Grading for a Trustworthy Diagnosis: An Analytical Pipeline for Improved Reliability.

7. Standardising Breast Radiotherapy Structure Naming Conventions: A Machine Learning Approach.

8. CASCADE: Context-Aware Data-Driven AI for Streamlined Multidisciplinary Tumor Board Recommendations in Oncology.

9. Predicting Male Infertility Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Review of the Literature.

10. Theory and rationale of interpretable all-in-one pattern discovery and disentanglement system.

11. A Study on OLED Cell Simulation and Detection Phases Based on the A 2 G Algorithm for Artificial Intelligence Application.

12. The lucent yet opaque challenge of regulating artificial intelligence in radiology.

13. Transformative Potential of AI in Healthcare: Definitions, Applications, and Navigating the Ethical Landscape and Public Perspectives.

14. Applications of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in the Energy Sector.


16. Exploring Neuromorphic Computing Based on Spiking Neural Networks: Algorithms to Hardware.

17. Adversarial Training for Multi Domain Dialog System.

18. Application of machine learning techniques for identifying productive zones in unconventional reservoir.

19. Deep Neural Network Regression to Assist Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Portal Hypertension.

20. Glomerulus Detection Using Segmentation Neural Networks.

21. Applying Machine Learning to Healthcare Operations Management: CNN-Based Model for Malaria Diagnosis.

22. Clinical Concept-Based Radiology Reports Classification Pipeline for Lung Carcinoma.

23. Detection of Depression-Related Tweets in Mexico Using Crosslingual Schemes and Knowledge Distillation.

24. Applications of Neural Network-Based Plan-Cancer Method for Primary Diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer.

25. Self‐organizing maps and Bayesian networks in organizational modelling: A case study in innovation projects management.

26. Research on the forward-looking behavior judgment of heating oil price evolution based on complex networks.

27. A two-stage classification method for borehole-wall images with support vector machine.

28. Residual Networks of Residual Networks: Multilevel Residual Networks.

29. An improved advertising CTR prediction approach based on the fuzzy deep neural network.

30. A novel stock forecasting model based on High-order-fuzzy-fluctuation Trends and Back Propagation Neural Network.

31. Explainable AI Algorithms for Vibration Data-Based Fault Detection: Use Case-Adadpted Methods and Critical Evaluation.

32. Improving classification of pollen grain images of the POLEN23E dataset through three different applications of deep learning convolutional neural networks.

33. Introducing chaos behavior to kernel relevance vector machine (RVM) for four-class EEG classification.

34. Generalizing Pooling Functions in CNNs: Mixed, Gated, and Tree.

35. Diffusion-based neuromodulation can eliminate catastrophic forgetting in simple neural networks.

36. SleepEEGNet: Automated sleep stage scoring with sequence to sequence deep learning approach.

37. Antenna selection for multiple-input multiple-output systems based on deep convolutional neural networks.

38. Enhanced Gravitational Search Optimization with Hybrid Deep Learning Model for COVID-19 Diagnosis on Epidemiology Data.

39. Addressing Binary Classification over Class Imbalanced Clinical Datasets Using Computationally Intelligent Techniques.

40. Selection of the optimal trading model for stock investment in different industries.

41. Toolkits and Libraries for Deep Learning.

42. Biomedical literature classification with a CNNs-based hybrid learning network.

43. Fallback Variable History NNLMs: Efficient NNLMs by precomputation and stochastic training.

44. Intrusion detection system using Online Sequence Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM) in advanced metering infrastructure of smart grid.

45. Particle swarm optimization-based automatic parameter selection for deep neural networks and its applications in large-scale and high-dimensional data.

46. A non-linear data mining parameter selection algorithm for continuous variables.

47. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Early Cancer Diagnosis.

48. Urban air quality forecasting based on multi-dimensional collaborative Support Vector Regression (SVR): A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Shijiazhuang.

49. Electricity forecasting on the individual household level enhanced based on activity patterns.

50. Driver behavior profiling: An investigation with different smartphone sensors and machine learning.