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1. An efficient beaconing of bluetooth low energy by decision making algorithm.

2. Towards a common European ethical and legal framework for conducting clinical research: the GATEKEEPER experience.

3. Improved adaptive-phase fuzzy high utility pattern mining algorithm based on tree-list structure for intelligent decision systems.

4. Software tools for learning artificial intelligence algorithms.

5. DC-SHAP Method for Consistent Explainability in Privacy-Preserving Distributed Machine Learning.

6. Reinforcement Learning Algorithms with Selector, Tuner, or Estimator.

7. The object migration automata: its field, scope, applications, and future research challenges.

8. Governing algorithms from the South: a case study of AI development in Africa.

9. The past, current, and future of neonatal intensive care units with artificial intelligence: a systematic review.

10. Applicants' Fairness Perceptions of Algorithm-Driven Hiring Procedures.

11. Reproducibility of Deep Learning Algorithms Developed for Medical Imaging Analysis: A Systematic Review.

12. A MADDPG-based multi-agent antagonistic algorithm for sea battlefield confrontation.

13. Path planning and collision avoidance for autonomous surface vehicles II: a comparative study of algorithms.

14. Big Data und künstliche Intelligenz in der Anästhesie: Realität oder Fiktion?

15. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning In Metallurgy. Part 2. Application Examples.

16. Where do we stand in AI for endoscopic image analysis? Deciphering gaps and future directions.

17. Beyond bias and discrimination: redefining the AI ethics principle of fairness in healthcare machine-learning algorithms.

18. How AI can learn from the law: putting humans in the loop only on appeal.

19. Examining embedded apparatuses of AI in Facebook and TikTok.

20. Application of artificial intelligence wearable devices based on neural network algorithm in mass sports activity evaluation.

21. Multi-objective fitness-dependent optimizer algorithm.

22. Perceptions of Justice By Algorithms.

23. VAMPIRE: vectorized automated ML pre-processing and post-processing framework for edge applications.

24. Deep Metallogenic prediction model construction of the Xiongcun no. II orebody based on the DNN algorithm.

25. Deep Metallogenic prediction model construction of the Xiongcun no. II orebody based on the DNN algorithm.

26. Early health prediction framework using XGBoost ensemble algorithm in intelligent environment.

27. A critical assessment of using ChatGPT for extracting structured data from clinical notes.

28. Whole-heart electromechanical simulations using Latent Neural Ordinary Differential Equations.

29. Understanding the errors made by artificial intelligence algorithms in histopathology in terms of patient impact.

30. The algorithm journey map: a tangible approach to implementing AI solutions in healthcare.

31. Human-AI interaction in skin cancer diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

32. Contemporary attitudes and beliefs on coronary artery calcium from social media using artificial intelligence.

33. The study on the appearance of deformation defects in the yacht lamination process using an AI algorithm and expert knowledge.

34. The lucent yet opaque challenge of regulating artificial intelligence in radiology.

35. Contextualizing remote fall risk: Video data capture and implementing ethical AI.

36. Real-world testing of an artificial intelligence algorithm for the analysis of chest X-rays in primary care settings.

37. The prospect of artificial intelligence to personalize assisted reproductive technology.

38. Road vehicle recognition algorithm in safety assistant driving based on artificial intelligence.

39. Preface: Special issue on "Understanding of evolutionary optimization behavior", Part 1.

40. Theory and rationale of interpretable all-in-one pattern discovery and disentanglement system.

41. Simulation analysis of production scheduling algorithm for intelligent manufacturing cell based on artificial intelligence technology.

42. Autoencoder-kNN meta-model based data characterization approach for an automated selection of AI algorithms.

43. From the "rush to ethics" to the "race for governance" in Artificial Intelligence.

44. Improving the Accuracy of Diabetes Diagnosis Applications through a Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithm.

45. Advanced bridge visual inspection using real-time machine learning in edge devices.

46. In-process identification of milling parameters based on digital twin driven intelligent algorithm.

47. Artificial intelligence-driven virtual rehabilitation for people living in the community: A scoping review.

48. Diagnostic performance of artificial intelligence-assisted PET imaging for Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

49. Machine learning approach for Migraine Aura Complexity Score prediction based on magnetic resonance imaging data.

50. Challenges and prospects of visual contactless physiological monitoring in clinical study.