
Showing total 49 results
49 results

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1. Land Use Classification With Point of Interests and Structural Patterns.

2. A Shallow Neural Network for Real-Time Embedded Machine Learning for Tensorial Tactile Data Processing.

3. Sparse Twin Support Vector Clustering Using Pinball Loss.

4. Hyperspectral Imagery Classification via Stochastic HHSVMs.

5. LCBM: A Multi-View Probabilistic Model for Multi-Label Classification.

6. Why Dataset Properties Bound the Scalability of Parallel Machine Learning Training Algorithms.

7. Multi-View Support Vector Machines with the Consensus and Complementarity Information.

8. Rotor Angle Stability Prediction of Power Systems With High Wind Power Penetration Using a Stability Index Vector.

9. Extended Polynomial Growth Transforms for Design and Training of Generalized Support Vector Machines.

10. Fast Coding Unit Partition Decision for HEVC Using Support Vector Machines.

11. A Novel Measurement Data Classification Algorithm Based on SVM for Tracking Closely Spaced Targets.

12. Machine Learning for the Performance Assessment of High-Speed Links.

13. Semisupervised Incremental Support Vector Machine Learning Based on Neighborhood Kernel Estimation.

14. Purely Structural Protein Scoring Functions Using Support Vector Machine and Ensemble Learning.

15. Analysis of Spectrum Occupancy Using Machine Learning Algorithms.

16. Predicting Brain Age Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Comprehensive Evaluation.

17. MLMVN With Soft Margins Learning.

18. Kernel-Based Domain-Invariant Feature Selection in Hyperspectral Images for Transfer Learning.

19. RankRC: Large-Scale Nonlinear Rare Class Ranking.

20. Active Learning for Solving the Incomplete Data Problem in Facial Age Classification by the Furthest Nearest-Neighbor Criterion.

21. SVM Sensitivity Analysis: An Application to Currency Crises Aftermaths.

22. Electromechanical Wave Imaging With Machine Learning for Automated Isochrone Generation.

23. Vibrotactile Recognition and Categorization of Surfaces by a Humanoid Robot.

24. Sparse LSSVM in Primal Using Cholesky Factorization for Large-Scale Problems.

25. Open Set Domain Adaptation: Theoretical Bound and Algorithm.

26. Support Vector Motion Clustering.

27. Deep Fuzzy Neural Networks for Biomarker Selection for Accurate Cancer Detection.

28. k-Vectors: An Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Learning Regression Functions.

29. Scalable Active Learning for Multiclass Image Classification.

30. Extreme Learning Machine for Regression and Multiclass Classification.

31. Toward Automated Definition Acquisition From Operations Law.

32. A Kernel Fuzzy c-Means Clustering-Based Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Algorithm for Classification Problems With Outliers or Noises.

33. Periodic Activation Function and a Modified Learning Algorithm for the Multivalued Neuron.

34. FSVM-CIL: Fuzzy Support Vector Machines for Class Imbalance Learning.

35. A Unifying Framework for Typical Multitask Multiple Kernel Learning Problems.

36. Multiclass Probabilistic Classification Vector Machine.

37. A Framework for Classifier Adaptation for Large-Scale Multimedia Data.

38. Structural Regularized Support Vector Machine: A Framework for Structural Large Margin Classifier.

39. Feature Selection and Classification in Supporting Report-Based Self-Management for People with Chronic Pain.

40. Condensed Vector Machines: Learning Fast Machine for Large Data.

41. Support Vector Regression to Accelerate Design and Crosspolar Optimization of Shaped-Beam Reflectarray Antennas for Space Applications.

42. CROification: Accurate Kernel Classification with the Efficiency of Sparse Linear SVM.

43. Effective Data Driven Coding Unit Size Decision Approaches for HEVC INTRA Coding.

44. Structured Learning of Human Interactions in TV Shows.

45. \ellp-\ellq Penalty for Sparse Linear and Sparse Multiple Kernel Multitask Learning.

46. Multiview, Broadband Acoustic Classification of Marine Fish: A Machine Learning Framework and Comparative Analysis.

47. Nested Support Vector Machines.

48. Explaining Classifications for Individual Instances.

49. Nonconvex Online Support Vector Machines.