
Showing total 30 results
30 results

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1. PPD: A Scalable and Efficient Parallel Primal-Dual Coordinate Descent Algorithm.

2. IRS-Assisted Green Communication Systems: Provable Convergence and Robust Optimization.

3. Column-Wise Element Selection for Computationally Efficient Nonnegative Coupled Matrix Tensor Factorization.

4. Byzantine-Resilient Decentralized Policy Evaluation With Linear Function Approximation.

5. A Hybrid Multiobjective Memetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows.

6. Compressed Gradient Methods With Hessian-Aided Error Compensation.

7. Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Image and Video Applications.

8. Nonconvex Regularized Robust PCA Using the Proximal Block Coordinate Descent Algorithm.

9. Stochastic Conjugate Gradient Algorithm With Variance Reduction.

10. Distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming via Cut Generation and Constraint Exchange.

11. Distributed Newton Method for Large-Scale Consensus Optimization.

12. Optimizing Leader Influence in Networks Through Selection of Direct Followers.

13. A Fast and Scalable Polyatomic Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for the LASSO.

14. Decomposition Techniques for Multilayer Perceptron Training.

15. A Stochastic Majorize-Minimize Subspace Algorithm for Online Penalized Least Squares Estimation.

16. Ray-Shooting Algorithms for Robotics.

17. Computing Quantum Channel Capacities.

18. A New Hypervolume-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization.

19. A Fast Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Its Convergence.

20. Fast Patrol Route Planning in Dynamic Environments.

21. Recovery and Convergence Rate of the Frank–Wolfe Algorithm for the m-Exact-Sparse Problem.

22. Fast Model-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction Using Spatially Nonhomogeneous ICD Optimization.

23. Decentralized Quasi-Newton Methods.

24. Accelerated Dual Descent for Network Flow Optimization.

25. Stochastic Optimization in a Cumulative Prospect Theory Framework.

26. Decentralized Prediction-Correction Methods for Networked Time-Varying Convex Optimization.

27. A Novel Design Framework for Point-to-Point ILC Using Successive Projection.

28. Online Network Optimization Using Product-Form Markov Processes.

29. Stochastic Algorithms for Discrete Parameter Simulation Optimization.

30. Fast Image Recovery Using Variable Splitting and Constrained Optimization.