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1. Decentralized Data-Driven Load Restoration in Coupled Transmission and Distribution System With Wind Power.

2. A Fast Pessimistic Diagnosis Algorithm for Hypercube-Like Networks under the Comparison Model.

3. Uncertainty Quantification in Remaining Useful Life Prediction Using First-Order Reliability Methods.

4. On the Equivalence Between the Maxwell-Garnett Mixing Rule and the Debye Relaxation Formula.

5. Comparing Different Variants of the ic3 Algorithm for Hardware Model Checking.

6. A Statistical Model for Motifs Detection.

7. Determination of Optimal Shift Frequency for Shifted Frequency-Based Simulation.

8. LIMTopic: A Framework of Incorporating Link Based Importance into Topic Modeling.

9. Using Abstraction to Guide the Search for Long Error Traces.

10. Fast Optimization of a Linear Actuator by Space Mapping Using Unique Finite-Element Model.

11. Modeling and Classifying Hyperspectral Imagery by CRFs With Sparse Higher Order Potentials.

12. Entropy Message Passing.

13. FAIR: A Fast Algorithm for Document Image Restoration.

14. Overall Well-Focused Catadioptric Image Acquisition With Multifocal Images: A Model-Based Method.

15. Error surface-aware modeling algorithm for quarter-pixel motion estimation.

16. A Novel Design Flow for Dummy Fill Using Boolean Mask Operations.

17. Interactive Image Segmentation Using Dirichlet Process Multiple-View Learning.

18. Camera Constraint-Free View-Based 3-D Object Retrieval.

19. Enhanced Models for Expertise Retrieval Using Community-Aware Strategies.

20. Modeling and Formalization of Fuzzy Finite Automata for Detection of Irregular Fire Flames.

21. Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiments.

22. Boosted Exemplar Learning for Action Recognition and Annotation.

23. Graph Cuts for Curvature Based Image Denoising.

24. An Efficient Multistate Multivalued Decision Diagram-Based Approach for Multistate System Sensitivity Analysis.

25. Wavelet Bayesian Network Image Denoising.

26. Probabilistic Approach to Realistic Face Synthesis With a Single Uncalibrated Image.

27. Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Speckle Reduction With a Shifting Technique.

28. Spatially Adapted Total Variation Model to Remove Multiplicative Noise.

29. Automatic Construction of Parts+Geometry Models for Initializing Groupwise Registration.

30. Discrete Complex Image Method With Automatic Order Selection.

31. Saliency and Gist Features for Target Detection in Satellite Images.

32. Controlling Self-Force for Unstructured Particle-in-Cell (PIC) Codes.

33. The Elastic Ratio: Introducing Curvature Into Ratio-Based Image Segmentation.

34. Subspaces Indexing Model on Grassmann Manifold for Image Search.

35. Wave Equation-Based Implicit Subdomain DGTD Method for Modeling of Electrically Small Problems.

36. An Efficient Semi-Lagrangian Algorithm for Simulation of Corona Discharges: The Position-State Separation Method.

37. UAV energy extraction with incomplete atmospheric data using MPC.

38. Computing Ischemic Regions in the Heart With the Bidomain Model—First Steps Towards Validation.

39. Full-Wave Iterative Image Reconstruction in Photoacoustic Tomography With Acoustically Inhomogeneous Media.

40. The CACAO Method for Smoothing, Gap Filling, and Characterizing Seasonal Anomalies in Satellite Time Series.

41. Tuning of Patient-Specific Deformable Models Using an Adaptive Evolutionary Optimization Strategy.

42. SPICE Lumped Circuit Subcell Model for the Discontinuous Galerkin Finite-Element Time-Domain Method.

43. Modeling the Performance of Image Restoration From Motion Blur.

44. Blind Image Quality Assessment: A Natural Scene Statistics Approach in the DCT Domain.

45. A Linear Dynamical System Framework for Salient Motion Detection.

46. An Experimental Comparison of Production Planning Using Clearing Functions and Iterative Linear Programming-Simulation Algorithms.

47. Sparse-Grid-Based Adaptive Model Predictive Control of HL60 Cellular Differentiation.

48. Application of the Fixed Point Method for Solution in Time Stepping Finite Element Analysis Using the Inverse Vector Jiles-Atherton Model.

49. Effective Robustness Analysis Using Bounded Model Checking Techniques.

50. Three-Dimensional GPR Ray Tracing Based on Wavefront Expansion With Irregular Cells.