
Showing total 38 results
38 results

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1. Old age is also a time for change: trends in news intermediary preferences among internet users in Canada and Spain.

2. Health Disparities for Canada's Remote and Northern Residents: Can COVID-19 Help Level the Field?

3. Mobilization of science advice by the Canadian federal government to support the COVID-19 pandemic response.

4. Who's Going to Keep Us Safe? Surviving Domestic Violence and Shared Parenting During Covid-19.

5. Determining the COVID-19 effects on spillover between oil market and stock exchange: a global perspective analysis.

6. A synthesis of surveys examining the impacts of COVID-19 and emergency remote learning on students in Canada.

7. Future Time Perspective and Psychological Well-Being for Older Canadian Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

8. Variation in the stringency of COVID-19 public health measures on self-reported health, stress, and overall wellbeing in Canada.

9. Variation in parental experiences with their child's hospitalization over the COVID-19 pandemic.

10. Migration and Resilience in Urban Canada: Why Social Resilience, Why Now?

11. Intimate Partner Violence and COVID-19 in Rural, Remote, and Northern Canada: Relationship, Vulnerability and Risk.

12. Cumulative and independent effects of experiences of social adversity on support for violent radicalization during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of depression.

13. Teaching Online in an Ethic of Hospitality: Lessons from a Pandemic.

14. Online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring science/STEM teachers' curriculum and assessment practices in Canada.

15. A new time-varying coefficient regression approach for analyzing infectious disease data.

16. The Impact of a Canadian Model of Aging in Place on Community Dwelling Older Adults' Experience of Physical Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

17. Variation in the stringency of COVID-19 public health measures on self-reported health, stress, and overall wellbeing in Canada.

18. Experiences of Women Accessing Violence Against Women Outreach Services in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Brief Report.

19. Canadian news media coverage of suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic.

20. A muti-informant national survey on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health symptoms of parent–child dyads in Canada.

21. Impacts of Remote Physical Exercises on Functional Status and Mobility among Community-Dwelling Pre-Disabled Seniors during the Covid-19 Lockdown.

22. The Impact of COVID-19 on Clubhouse Employment Programs.

23. Health, Religiosity and Hatred: A Study of the Impacts of COVID-19 on World Jewry.

26. The Well-Being and Resilience of Canadian Christian Clergy.

27. A Hybrid Epidemic Model to Explore Stochasticity in COVID-19 Dynamics.

28. Seeds and the city: a review of municipal home food gardening programs in Canada in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

29. COVID-19 Pandemic and Im/migrants' Elevated Health Concerns in Canada: Vaccine Hesitancy, Anticipated Stigma, and Risk Perception of Accessing Care.

30. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of an Evidence-Based Child Maltreatment Prevention Program: Understanding the Perspectives of SafeCare® Providers.

31. Online symptoms self-assessment during COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of a COVID-19 portal responses from Canada.

32. Learning models for forecasting hospital resource utilization for COVID-19 patients in Canada.

33. What I did on my summer vacation.

34. Variability in personal protective equipment in cross-sectional interventional abdominal radiology practices.

35. Beyond multiculturalism: revisioning a model of pandemic anti-racism education in post-Covid-19 Canada.

36. COVID-19 and stock exchange return variation: empirical evidences from econometric estimation.

37. Public Health Messages About Face Masks Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perceptions of and Impacts on Canadians.

38. Predictive Factors of Spiritual Quality of Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multivariate Analysis.