
Showing total 130 results
130 results

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1. Inherent Limitations of AI Fairness.

2. FDA Releases Two Discussion Papers to Spur Conversation about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Drug Development and Manufacturing.

3. Analyzing the Impact of Memristor Variability on Crossbar Implementation of Regression Algorithms With Smart Weight Update Pulsing Techniques.

4. Better Algorithms through Faster Math: The search for new algorithms that could reduce the time needed for multiplication is now at the center of data science.

5. Toward Verified Artificial Intelligence.

6. Findings in Fibromyalgia Reported from Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte [Spectrochemical approach combined with symptoms data to diagnose fibromyalgia through paper spray ionization mass spectrometry (PSI-MS) and multivariate...].

7. Trust, Regulation, and Humanin-the-Loop AI: within the European Region.

8. A Shallow Neural Network for Real-Time Embedded Machine Learning for Tensorial Tactile Data Processing.

9. Viewpoint: Algorithms with Predictions.

10. Dualityfree Methods for Stochastic Composition Optimization.

11. An Accelerated Linearly Convergent Stochastic L-BFGS Algorithm.

12. Robustness Meets Algorithms.

13. The (Im)possibility of Fairness: Different Value Systems Require Different Mechanisms For Fair Decision Making.

14. Technical Perspective Balancing At All Loads.

15. When Machine Learning Goes Off the Rails.

16. Extended Polynomial Growth Transforms for Design and Training of Generalized Support Vector Machines.

17. Hazy: Making It Easier to Build and Maintain Big-Data Analytics.

18. Radial-Based Oversampling for Multiclass Imbalanced Data Classification.

19. An Iterative Learning Control Algorithm With Gain Adaptation for Stochastic Systems.

20. Metacognitive Octonion-Valued Neural Networks as They Relate to Time Series Analysis.

21. Report Summarizes Cancer Study Findings from Kerman University of Medical Sciences (Extracting cancer concepts from clinical notes using natural language processing: a systematic review).

22. Researchers from University of Jammu Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Cervical Cancer (Recent Developments In Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Using Deep Learning On Whole Slide Images: an Overview of Models, Techniques,...).

23. Data-Driven Algorithm Design.

24. The Effects of Mixing Machine Learning and Human Judgment.

25. New AI algorithm may improve autoimmune disease prediction and therapies.

26. Reports from Yangtze University Advance Knowledge in Food Safety (Deep Leaning In Food Safety and Authenticity Detection: an Integrative Review and Future Prospects).

27. Reports Summarize Breast Cancer Study Results from China University of Petroleum (East China) (Design of Integrated Interactive System for Pre-diagnosis of Breast Cancer Pathological Images Based On Cnn and Pyqt5).

28. Reports from Shiraz University Add New Study Findings to Research in Breast Cancer (Improving Breast Cancer Diagnosis Accuracy by Particle Swarm Optimization Feature Selection).

29. Stochastic Conjugate Gradient Algorithm With Variance Reduction.

30. Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Action Control.

31. Recurrent Neural Networks With Auxiliary Memory Units.

32. Needs, Pains, and Motivations in Autonomous Agents.

33. Machine Learning Approach to Summer Precipitation Nowcasting over the Eastern Alps.

34. What do you mean?: Research in the Age of Machines.

35. The Challenge of Crafting Intelligible Intelligence.

36. Compressed linear algebra for declarative large-scale machine learning.

37. New Findings Reported from Central University of Haryana Describe Advances in Brain Cancer (Privacy Preserved Collaborative Transfer Learning Model With Heterogeneous Distributed Data for Brain Tumor Classification).

38. Communication-Censored Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent.

39. Consensus-Based Cooperative Algorithms for Training Over Distributed Data Sets Using Stochastic Gradients.

40. Research on Cancer Discussed by a Researcher at Universiti Malaya (Dual therapy of cancer using optimal control supported by swarm intelligence).

41. Research Conducted at APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Has Updated Our Knowledge about Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (Desmpa-deep Cnn: Double Exponential Smoothing Marine Predator Algorithm-based Deep Cnn for Liver...).

42. Researcher from Lanzhou University Publishes Findings in Breast Cancer (Hierarchical Learning-Enhanced Chaotic Crayfish Optimization Algorithm: Improving Extreme Learning Machine Diagnostics in Breast Cancer).

43. Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas Researchers Add New Findings in the Area of Type 2 Diabetes (Setting Ranges in Potential Biomarkers for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Early Detection By Sex-An Approach with Machine Learning Algorithms).

44. Shandong Youth University of Political Science Researcher Adds New Findings in the Area of Mathematics (An Interpretable Breast Ultrasound Image Classification Algorithm Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer).

45. Data on Breast Cancer Detailed by Researchers at University of Mustapha Stambouli (Novel feature selection method for accurate breast cancer classification using Correlation coefficient and Modified GWO Algorithm).

46. Researcher at Kanazawa University Describes Research in Cervical Cancer (A Novel Feature Selection Strategy Based on the Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer).

47. Self-Taught Low-Rank Coding for Visual Learning.

48. Fully Decentralized Semi-supervised Learning via Privacy-preserving Matrix Completion.

49. MLMVN With Soft Margins Learning.

50. New Breast Cancer Research from Dalian Maritime University Described (A Study of Breast Cancer Classification Algorithms by Fusing Machine Learning and Deep Learning).