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64 results

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1. Identification of areas of seabird concentrations in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea using aerial and ship-based surveys.

2. Isolated Mountain Forests in Central Asian Deserts: A Case Study from the Govi Altay, Mongolia.

3. Climate Change and High Mountain Vegetation Shifts.

4. The Upper Timberline in the Himalayas, Hindu Kush and Karakorum: a Review of Geographical and Ecological Aspects.

5. Peripheral Plant Population Survival in Polar Regions.

6. Oceana’s efforts to protect deep-sea coral in the United States.

7. Development of coral banks in Porcupine Seabight: do they have Mediterranean ancestors?

8. Distribution and diversity of species associated with deep-sea gorgonian corals off Atlantic Canada.

9. Mapping, habitat characterization, and fish surveys of the deep-water Oculina coral reef Marine Protected Area: a review of historical and current research.

10. New view of the Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise.

11. Occurrence of deep-water Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata in the Gulf of Mexico.

12. International conventions for marine nature conservation and marine protected areas relevant to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

13. The Lesson of Drente's "Essen": Soil Nutrient Depletion in sub-Saharan Africa and Management Strategies for Soil Replenishment.

14. The Impact of Urbanization on Soils.

15. Nutrient and Virtual Water Flows in Traded Agricultural Commodities.

16. Soil Degradation Under Irrigation.

17. Soil Erosion Studies in Northern Ethiopia.

18. Soil Erosion and Conservation in Global Agriculture.

19. Impact of Land Use on Soil Resources.

22. What About Exoplanets?

23. Stellar Nucleosynthesis.

27. The Impact of Seed Dispersal by Clark’s Nutcracker on Whitebark Pine: Multi-scale Perspective on a High Mountain Mutualism.

28. Pocket Gopher — Actor under the Stage. Studies on Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range, U.S.A.

29. The physical niche of the bathyal Lophelia pertusa in a non-bathyal setting: environmental controls and palaeoecological implications.

30. Preliminary study of bioerosion in the deep-water coral Lophelia, Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece.

31. Bioerosion patterns in a deep-water Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) thicket (Propeller Mound, northern Porcupine Seabight).

32. Deep-water coral mounds on the Porcupine Bank, Irish Margin: preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise.

33. Deep-sea corals and resource protection at the Davidson Seamount, California, U.S.A.

34. A cost effective approach to protecting deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems with an application to Alaska’s Aleutian Islands region.

35. Identifying critical information needs and developing institutional partnerships to further the understanding of Atlantic deep-sea coral ecosystems.

36. High-resolution trace and minor element compositions in deep-water scleractinian corals (Desmophyllum dianthus) from the Mediterranean Sea and the Great Australian Bight.

37. Climate records from the Faroe-Shetland Channel using Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758).

38. Paleotemperatures from deep-sea corals: scale effects.

39. Skeletal Mg/Ca in Primnoa resedaeformis: relationship to temperature?

40. Testing the reproducibility of Mg/Ca profiles in the deep-water coral Primnoa resedaeformis: putting the proxy through its paces.

41. C and O isotopes in a deep-sea coral ( Lophelia pertusa) related to skeletal microstructure.

42. Attached benthic Foraminifera as indicators of past and present distribution of the coral Primnoa resedaeformis on the Scotian Margin.

43. Role of cold-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs as fish habitat in the NE Atlantic.

44. Remarkable sessile fauna associated with deep coral and other calcareous substrates in the Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea.

45. A habitat classification scheme for seamount landscapes: assessing the functional role of deep-water corals as fish habitat.

46. The metazoan meiofauna associated with a cold-water coral degradation zone in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic).

47. Are deep-water corals important habitats for fishes?

48. Calcifying extracellular mucus substances (EMS) of Madrepora oculata — a first geobiological approach.

49. Sedimentological and geochemical environment of the Fugløy Reef off northern Norway.

50. Southern Caribbean azooxanthellate coral communities off Colombia.