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26 results

Search Results

1. Research on stage-discharge relationship model based on information entropy.

2. A hybrid cuckoo-armony search algorithm for optimal design of water distribution systems.

3. A multi-criteria decision-making model dealing with correlation among criteria for reservoir flood control operation.

4. Automated feature recognition in CFPD analyses of DMA or supply area flow data.

5. Dynamic penalty function as a strategy in solving water resources combinatorial optimization problems with honey-bee mating optimization (HBMO) algorithm.

6. An improved numerical scheme for the approximate solution of the Parabolic Wave model.

7. Online simplification of water distribution network models for optimal scheduling.

8. Extension of the constrained ant colony optimization algorithms for the optimal operation of multi-reservoir systems.

9. Contaminant source characterization in water distribution systems using binary signals.

10. Improved methodology for processing raw LiDAR data to support urban flood modelling -- accounting for elevated roads and bridges.

11. Novel simulation-based algorithms for optimal open-loop and closed-loop scheduling of deficit irrigation systems.

12. A methodology for processing raw LiDAR data to support urban flood modelling framework.

13. MOPSO algorithm and its application in multipurpose multireservoir operations.

14. Water distribution network calibration using enhanced GGA and topological analysis.

15. Logistic regression analysis to estimate contaminant sources in water distribution systems.

16. Radar-rainfall estimation algorithms of Hydro-NEXRAD.

17. Ant-colony-based simulation - optimization modeling for the design of a forced water pipeline system considering the effects of dynamic pressures.

18. Hydrothermal systems generation scheduling using cultural algorithm.

19. Neural-network-based simulation-optimization model for water allocation planning at basin scale.

20. Honey-bee mating optimization (HBMO) algorithm in deriving optimal operation rules for reservoirs.

21. Conceptual design of a generic, real-time, near-optimal control system for water-distribution networks.

22. A fixed functional set genetic algorithm (FFSGA) approach for function approximation.

23. A hybrid reasoning system for supporting estuary modelling.

24. Efficient implementation of inverse approach for forecasting hydrological time series using micro GA.

25. Automating CFD for non-experts.

26. Genetic algorithms for real-time operation of multipurpose water resource systems.