The norepinephrine (NE) turnover times in various peripheral sympathetically innervated organs of the rat were determined by the decay in endogenous NE after inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by α-methylparatyrosine (α-MPT). The values for turnover times were: heart (36,0 h), sub-maxillary gland (13,7 h), femoral muscle (11,6 h), spleen (10,1 h), small intestine (4,3 h). In vas deferens, no significant depletion of the NE was observed 8 h after α-MPT administration. The influence of α-MPT treatment on the tissular uptake of a tracer dose of LH-NE was investigated. In rats pretreated with α-MPT, the uptake ofH-NE was significantly reduced in salivary glands; it was weakly but not significantly (0.1< p<0.2) reduced in spleen, muscle and small intestine and was not impaired in heart. A significant augmentation of the hepatic radioactivity was seen in treated animals which could be interpreted as the consequence of the decrease of the neuronalH-NE uptake. The validity of α-MPT utilization for measuring NE turnover is discussed and the values for turnover time yielded by α-MPT have been compared with that obtained from an isotopic method (decline in radioactivity after labeling withH-NE): the results of the two methods showed obvious discrepancies. In heart and submaxillary gland, the turnover times determined by isotopic method were shorter than those obtained by means of α-MPT: in spleen, muscle and small intestine, inverse variations were observed, the α-MPT method leading to shorter turnover times. This suggests that the sources of error inherent to each method are of variable importance according to the nature of the organ. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]