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51. Consistency Cuts for Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulations.

52. Mass Customization and the "Parts-Procurement Planning Problem".

53. Extrapolated Proximal Subgradient Algorithms for Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Fractional Programs.

54. SOS-SDP: An Exact Solver for Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering.

55. Bin Packing Problem with Time Lags.

56. Hyperbush Algorithm for Strategy-Based Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Problems.

57. Editorial for the Special Section on Humans, Algorithms, and Augmented Intelligence: The Future of Work, Organizations, and Society.

58. 3-D Dynamic UAV Base Station Location Problem.

59. The Rank-One Quadratic Assignment Problem.

60. A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Team Formation on Social Networks.

61. Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problems with Penalties and Limits on Waiting.

62. An Improved Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the One-Machine Scheduling Problem with Delayed Precedence Constraints.

63. Rapid Discrete Optimization via Simulation with Gaussian Markov Random Fields.

64. Inverse Mixed Integer Optimization: Polyhedral Insights and Trust Region Methods.

65. Display Optimization for Vertically Differentiated Locations Under Multinomial Logit Preferences.

66. Lane's Algorithm Revisited.

67. Scenario Grouping and Decomposition Algorithms for Chance-Constrained Programs.

68. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Integrated Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment Problem.

69. Branch-and-Price–Based Algorithms for the Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.

70. Vehicle Routing and Location Routing with Intermediate Stops: A Review.

71. Fast Algorithms for Rank-1 Bimatrix Games.

72. The Migratory Beekeeping Routing Problem: Model and an Exact Algorithm.

73. Models and Algorithms for the Bin-Packing Problem with Minimum Color Fragmentation.

74. A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.

75. Expanding the Locus of Resistance: Understanding the Co-constitution of Control and Resistance in the Gig Economy.

76. 1.79-Approximation Algorithms for Continuous Review Single-Sourcing Lost-Sales and Dual-Sourcing Inventory Models.

77. The Commute Trip-Sharing Problem.

78. Approximation Algorithms for D-optimal Design.

79. On the Consistent Path Problem.

80. Why Is Maximum Clique Often Easy in Practice?

81. Optimistic Monte Carlo Tree Search with Sampled Information Relaxation Dual Bounds.

82. Simple Bayesian Algorithms for Best-Arm Identification.

83. Communication-Constrained Expansion Planning for Resilient Distribution Systems.

84. Stability in Matching Markets with Complex Constraints.

85. The Race for Online Reputation: Implications for Platforms, Firms, and Consumers.

86. An Improved Integral Column Generation Algorithm Using Machine Learning for Aircrew Pairing.

87. Tight Approximation for Unconstrained XOS Maximization.

88. Proximal Gradient Methods with Adaptive Subspace Sampling.

89. Maximizing Sequence-Submodular Functions and Its Application to Online Advertising.

90. Multimodal Dynamic Pricing.

91. Multivariable Branching: A 0-1 Knapsack Problem Case Study.

92. Approximation Methods for Multiobjective Optimization Problems: A Survey.

93. Exact Algorithms for the Minimum Load Spanning Tree Problem.

94. Robust Dual Dynamic Programming.

95. Simulation-Based Travel Time Reliable Signal Control.

96. Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Perishable Inventory Systems with Positive Lead Times.

97. Discrete Nonlinear Optimization by State-Space Decompositions.

98. Nonstationary Bandits with Habituation and Recovery Dynamics.

99. A Conditional Gradient Approach for Nonparametric Estimation of Mixing Distributions.

100. Constant Approximation Algorithm for Nonuniform Capacitated Multi-Item Lot Sizing via Strong Covering Inequalities.