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1. Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms on Random Decomposable Problems.

2. Evolving Bin Packing Heuristics with Genetic Programming.

3. Modelling the Population Distribution in Multi-objective Optimization by Generative Topographic Mapping.

4. Computationally Intelligent Online Dynamic Vehicle Routing by Explicit Load Prediction in an Evolutionary Algorithm.

5. Hierarchical BOA, Cluster Exact Approximation, and Ising Spin Glasses.

6. Product Geometric Crossover.

7. Genetic Programming for Kernel-Based Learning with Co-evolving Subsets Selection.

8. The Importance of Neutral Mutations in GP.

9. Some Steps Towards Understanding How Neutrality Affects Evolutionary Search.

10. Solving SAT and HPP with Accepting Splicing Systems.

11. Life History Evolution of Virtual Plants: Trading Off Between Growth and Reproduction.

12. BeeHiveAIS: A Simple, Efficient, Scalable and Secure Routing Framework Inspired by Artificial Immune Systems.

13. A New Swarm Intelligence Coordination Model Inspired by Collective Prey Retrieval and Its Application to Image Alignment.

14. A Two-Level Clustering Method Using Linear Linkage Encoding.

15. Evolutionary Behavior Acquisition for Humanoid Robots.

16. A Multiobjective Differential Evolution Based on Decomposition for Multiobjective Optimization with Variable Linkages.

17. Multi-level Ranking for Constrained Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimisation.

18. Solving Hard Multiobjective Optimization Problems Using ε-Constraint with Cultured Differential Evolution.

19. Incorporation of Scalarizing Fitness Functions into Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms.

20. A New Proposal for Multiobjective Optimization Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Rough Sets Theory.

21. Multiobjective Optimization of Ensembles of Multilayer Perceptrons for Pattern Classification.

22. Improved Squeaky Wheel Optimisation for Driver Scheduling.

23. Nature-Inspired Algorithms for the Optimization of Optical Reference Signals.

24. Some Notes on (Mem)Brane Computation.

25. Substructural Neighborhoods for Local Search in the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm.

26. A Tabu Search Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems.

27. A Novel Negative Selection Algorithm with an Array of Partial Matching Lengths for Each Detector.

28. cAS: Ant Colony Optimization with Cunning Ants.

29. Information Perspective of Optimization.

30. Self-adaptation on the Ridge Function Class: First Results for the Sharp Ridge.

31. On the Ultimate Convergence Rates for Isotropic Algorithms and the Best Choices Among Various Forms of Isotropy.

32. Cumulative Step Length Adaptation on Ridge Functions.

33. A Particle Swarm Optimizer for Constrained Numerical Optimization.

34. Geometric Crossover for Sets, Multisets and Partitions.

35. Exploration and Exploitation Bias of Crossover and Path Relinking for Permutation Problems.

36. Comparing the Niches of CMA-ES, CHC and Pattern Search Using Diverse Benchmarks.

37. Exploiting Expert Knowledge in Genetic Programming for Genome-Wide Genetic Analysis.

38. Self-regulated Population Size in Evolutionary Algorithms.

39. Is Self-adaptation of Selection Pressure and Population Size Possible? - A Case Study.

40. New Order-Based Crossovers for the Graph Coloring Problem.

41. An Investigation of Representations and Operators for Evolutionary Data Clustering with a Variable Number of Clusters.

42. Finding State-of-the-Art Non-cryptographic Hashes with Genetic Programming.

43. A Distance-Based Information Preservation Tree Crossover for the Maximum Parsimony Problem.

44. Investigating the Emergence of Multicellularity Using a Population of Neural Network Agents.

45. Robust Simulation of Lamprey Tracking.

46. Building of 3D Environment Models for Mobile Robotics Using Self-organization.

47. Module Identification from Heterogeneous Biological Data Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms.

48. Neuroevolution with Analog Genetic Encoding.

49. A New Neural Network Based Construction Heuristic for the Examination Timetabling Problem.

50. A Fast and Effective Method for Pruning of Non-dominated Solutions in Many-Objective Problems.