
Showing total 307 results
307 results

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1. Phase separation and aggregation in multiblock chains.

2. Automation of liquid crystal phase analysis for SAXS, including the rapid production of novel phase diagrams for SDS–water–PIL systems.

3. Compression-induced buckling of a semiflexible filament in two and three dimensions.

4. Hard core lattice gas with third next-nearest neighbor exclusion on triangular lattice: One or two phase transitions?

5. Arrested spinodal decomposition of the screened symmetric restricted primitive model.

6. Phase-transition critical thickness of rocksalt MgxZn1−xO layers.

7. Coarse-grained modeling of polymers with end-on and side-on liquid crystal moieties: Effect of architecture.

8. TimeSOAP: Tracking high-dimensional fluctuations in complex molecular systems via time variations of SOAP spectra.

9. Experimental examination of the phase transition of water on silica at 298 K.

10. Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectrum of single lead halide perovskite nanocrystals: Effect of size on the phase transition temperature.

11. A Deep Potential model for liquid–vapor equilibrium and cavitation rates of water.

12. Atomic-scale in situ observation of electron beam and heat induced crystallization of Ge nanoparticles and transformation of Ag@Ge core-shell nanocrystals.

13. A pressure-induced high-pressure metallic GeTe phase.

14. Thermally driven phase transition of halide perovskites revealed by big data-powered in situ electron microscopy.

15. Solid-amorphous transition is related to the waterlike anomalies in a fluid without liquid–liquid phase transition.

16. Predicting residue cooperativity during protein folding: A combined, molecular dynamics and unsupervised learning approach.

17. Differential steric effects in Cl reactions with aligned CHD3(v1 = 1) by the R(0) and Q(1) transitions. II. Abstracting the unexcited D-atoms.

18. A way of resolving the order-of-limit problem of Tao–Mo semilocal functional.

19. Microstructural diversity, nucleation paths, and phase behavior in binary mixtures of charged colloidal spheres.

20. Relaxation time scales of interfacial water upon fluid to ripple to gel phase transitions of bilayers.

21. Molecular rotations trigger a glass-to-plastic fcc heterogeneous crystallization in high-pressure water.

22. Shear-induced phase transition in the aqueous solution of an imidazolium-based ionic liquid.

23. Mutual independence of water and n-nonane nucleation at low temperatures.

24. The BKT transition and its dynamics in a spin fluid.

25. Effect of particle anisotropy on the thermodynamics and kinetics of ordering transitions in hard faceted particles.

26. Understanding the physics of hydrophobic solvation.

27. The counterdiffusion of HCl and NH3: An experimental and modeling analysis of topochemistry, diffusion, reaction, and phase transitions.

28. Non-adiabatic mass correction to the rovibrational states of molecules: Numerical application for the H2+ molecular ion.

29. Communication: Weakening the critical dynamical slowing down of models with SALR interactions.

30. The effects of polarization on the rotational diffusion of ions in organic ionic plastic crystals.

31. Large deviations and dynamical phase transitions in stochastic chemical networks.

32. Nudged elastic band method for solid-solid transition under finite deformation.

33. The EXP pair-potential system. III. Thermodynamic phase diagram.

34. Tethered hard spheres: A bridge between the fluid and solid phases.

35. Homogeneous ice nucleation rates for mW and TIP4P/ICE models through Lattice Mold calculations.

36. Unsupervised machine learning for detection of phase transitions in off-lattice systems. I. Foundations.

37. Complex structure and Mössbauer effect observed in the course of phase transitions in PbZr0.72Sn0.28O3 single crystal.

38. Large deviations of Rouse polymer chain: First passage problem.

39. Modeling colloidal interactions that predict equilibrium and non-equilibrium states.

40. Structural origin of excitations in a colloidal glass-former.

41. Biased-angle effect on diffusion dynamics and phase separation in anisotropic active particle system.

42. Adsorption of molecular iodine on the Ag(111) surface: Phase transitions, silver reconstruction, and iodide growth.

43. Insight from high-pressure dielectric studies into molecular dynamics of the itraconazole-glycerol mixture in smectic and isotropic phases.

44. Quantum-induced solid-solid transitions and melting in the Lennard-Jones LJ38cluster.

45. Thermal conductivity and rectification in asymmetric archaeal lipid membranes.

46. First-order phase transition in a two dimensional BM3 model.

47. The role of attraction in the phase diagrams and melting scenarios of generalized 2D Lennard-Jones systems.

48. Phase transitions affected by natural and forceful molecular interconversion.

49. High-pressure phase behaviors of titanium dioxide revealed by a Δ-learning potential.

50. Revisiting the phase transition sequence in L-methionine: Description of the disordering mechanism in an essential amino acid.