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1. Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems Under Binary-Valued Measurements and Recursive Projection Algorithm.

2. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method to Nonlinear Filtering Problems in Medium-High Dimension.

3. Secure State Estimation for Multiagent Systems With Faulty and Malicious Agents.

4. Continuous Twisting Algorithm for Third-Order Systems.

5. Structuring Multilevel Discrete-Event Systems With Dependence Structure Matrices.

6. Synthesis of Dynamic Masks for Infinite-Step Opacity.

7. Distributed Multiagent Convex Optimization Over Random Digraphs.

8. An Iterative Learning Control Algorithm With Gain Adaptation for Stochastic Systems.

9. A Bounded-Variable Least-Squares Solver Based on Stable QR Updates.

10. An Optimal Data Fusion Algorithm in the Presence of Unknown Cross Covariances.

11. Scalable, Distributed Algorithms for Solving Linear Equations via Double-Layered Networks.

12. Blind Learning of Tree Network Topologies in the Presence of Hidden Nodes.

13. Linear Stochastic Approximation Algorithms and Group Consensus Over Random Signed Networks.

14. Circle Formation Control of Mobile Agents With Limited Interaction Range.

15. Event-Based Distributed Filtering Over Markovian Switching Topologies.

16. Dead-Beat Stabilizability of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems: Algorithms and Applications.

17. Cooperative Control of Multiple Agents With Unknown High-Frequency Gain Signs Under Unbalanced and Switching Topologies.

18. Frequency-Domain Analysis for Nonlinear Systems With Time-Domain Model Parameter Uncertainty.

19. Robust $H_2$ Control of Linear Systems With Mismatched Quantization.

20. Multiple-Model State Estimation Based on Variational Bayesian Inference.

21. Distributed Algorithms for Robust Convex Optimization via the Scenario Approach.

22. Automatic Generation of Optimal Reductions of Distributions.

23. Distributed Projection Subgradient Algorithm Over Time-Varying General Unbalanced Directed Graphs.

24. Discrete-Time Selfish Routing Converging to the Wardrop Equilibrium.

25. Bounded Confidence Gossip Algorithms for Opinion Formation and Data Clustering.

26. Coverage Control for Heterogeneous Mobile Sensor Networks Subject to Measurement Errors.

27. Low-Rank Modifications of Riccati Factorizations for Model Predictive Control.

28. Robust Online Algorithms for Peak-Minimizing EV Charging Under Multistage Uncertainty.

29. Finite-Time Distributed Linear Equation Solver for Solutions With Minimum $l_1$-Norm.

30. A Novel Method to Compute the Structured Distance to Instability for Combined Uncertainties on Delays and System Matrices.

31. Distributed GNE Seeking Under Partial-Decision Information Over Networks via a Doubly-Augmented Operator Splitting Approach.

32. Distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming via Cut Generation and Constraint Exchange.

33. Push-Sum on Random Graphs: Almost Sure Convergence and Convergence Rate.

34. Minimum-Energy Distributed Consensus Control of Multiagent Systems: A Network Approximation Approach.

35. A Moving Target Defense Control Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems.

36. On the Well-Posedness of a Parametric Spectral Estimation Problem and Its Numerical Solution.

37. An Improved Homogeneous Polynomial Approach for Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control of Markov Jump Systems With Actuator Faults.

38. Distributed Newton Method for Large-Scale Consensus Optimization.

39. Linear Convergence and Metric Selection for Douglas-Rachford Splitting and ADMM.

40. Scanning the Issue.

41. Intermittent Redesign of Analog Controllers via the Youla Parameter.

42. Robust Distributed Consensus Using Total Variation.

43. Distance-Based Control of $\mathcal {K}_{n}$ Formations in General Space With Almost Global Convergence.

44. Distributed Control for Reaching Optimal Steady State in Network Systems: An Optimization Approach.

45. Scalable Design of Structured Controllers Using Chordal Decomposition.

46. A Geometric Transversals Approach to Sensor Motion Planning for Tracking Maneuvering Targets.

47. Fast ADMM for Sum-of-Squares Programs Using Partial Orthogonality.

48. A Spectral Property of a Graph Matrix and Its Application to the Leader-Following Consensus of Discrete-Time Multiagent Systems.

49. Identifiability of Dynamical Networks With Singular Noise Spectra.

50. Decentralized Event-Based Controllers for Robust Stabilization of Hybrid Periodic Orbits: Application to Underactuated 3-D Bipedal Walking.