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1. Asymmetry of the Antarctic Oscillation in Austral Autumn.

2. Surface Uplift Due To Time‐Varying Elastic Thickness in Continental Interiors.

3. Diurnal Cycle of Wind Speed and Precipitation Over the Northern Australia Coastal Region: CYGNSS Observations.

4. Quantifying ENSOs Impact on Australia's Regional Monthly Rainfall Risk.

5. Satellite Video Remote Sensing for Estimation of River Discharge.

6. Can Sub‐Daily Multivariate Bias Correction of Regional Climate Model Boundary Conditions Improve Simulation of the Diurnal Precipitation Cycle?

7. Satellite Evidence of HONO/NO2 Increase With Fire Radiative Power.

8. Negligible Impact on Precipitation From a Permanent Inland Lake in Central Australia.

9. Trichodesmium Around Australia: A View From Space.

10. An Updated Estimate of the Indonesian Throughflow Geostrophic Transport: Interannual Variability and Salinity Effect.

11. Spatial Variation of Extreme Rainfall Observed From Two Century‐Long Datasets.

12. The Link Between the Madden‐Julian Oscillation and Rainfall Trends in Northwest Australia.

13. Discovery of a New Inter‐Basin Climate Pattern: Australia Boundary Current Dipole.

14. Directly Dating Plio‐Pleistocene Climate Change in the Terrestrial Record.

15. Impact of Higher Spatial Resolution on Precipitation Properties Over Australia.

16. Paleomagnetic Evidence for a Paleoproterozoic Rotational Assembly of the North Australian Craton in the Leadup to Supercontinent Formation.

17. Causes and Effects of the Long‐Range Dispersion of Carbonaceous Aerosols From the 2019–2020 Australian Wildfires.

18. Decadal Variability of Southern Subtropical SST Wavenumber‐4 Pattern and Its Impact.

19. Fluid‐Enhanced Neotectonic Faulting in the Cratonic Lithosphere of the Nullarbor Plain in South‐Central Australia.

20. Climate Impacts and Potential Drivers of the Unprecedented Antarctic Ozone Holes of 2020 and 2021.

21. First Record of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d at Southern High Latitudes: Sedimentary and Geochemical Evidence From International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 369.

22. Prolonged and Pervasive Perturbations in the Composition of the Southern Hemisphere Midlatitude Lower Stratosphere From the Australian New Year's Fires.

23. Conjugate Effect of the 2011 Tohoku Reflected Tsunami‐Driven Gravity Waves in the Ionosphere.

24. Extreme Water Vapor Transport During the March 2021 Sydney Floods in the Context of Climate Projections.

25. Late Miocene Onset of Tasman Leakage and Southern Hemisphere Supergyre Ushers in Near‐Modern Circulation.

26. Predicting Interannual Variability in Sea Surface Height Along the West Coast of Australia Using a Simple Ocean Model.

27. Study of S‐Wave Microseisms Generated by Storms in the Southeast Australia and North Atlantic.

28. Tropical Indo‐Pacific Compounding Thermal Conditions Drive the 2019 Australian Extreme Drought.

29. A New Reconstruction for Permian East Gondwana Based on Zircon Data From Ophiolite of the East Australian Great Serpentinite Belt.

30. Tropospheric Forcing of the 2019 Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming.

31. Thermocline Warming Induced Extreme Indian Ocean Dipole in 2019.

32. Observation of High‐Energy Electrons Precipitated by NWC Transmitter From PROBA‐V Low‐Earth Orbit Satellite.

33. Influences of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation on the Locally Amplified Ningaloo Niño.

34. Beach Slopes From Satellite‐Derived Shorelines.

35. Importance of Resolving Mesoscale Eddies in the Model Simulation of Ningaloo Niño.

36. Record Lack of Cyclones in Southern Australia During 2019.

37. Climate Change Projections for the Australian Monsoon From CMIP6 Models.

38. Physical Diagnosis of the 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching Event.

39. Variability of the Subantarctic Mode Water Volume in the South Indian Ocean During 2004–2018.

40. Predictability of the Super IOD Event in 2019 and Its Link With El Niño Modoki.

41. Fate of Forearc Lithosphere at Arc‐Continent Collision Zones: Evidence From Local Earthquake Tomography of the Sunda‐Banda Arc Transition, Indonesia.

42. Future Changes in the Occurrence of Hybrid Cyclones: The Added Value of Cyclone Classification for the East Australian Low‐Pressure Systems.

43. Responses of Australian Dryland Vegetation to the 2019 Heat Wave at a Subdaily Scale.

44. Responses of Australian Dryland Vegetation to the 2019 Heat Wave at a Subdaily Scale.

45. Lateral Variations in Lithospheric Mantle Structure Control the Location of Intracontinental Seismicity in Australia.

46. Surface Rupture and Distributed Deformation Revealed by Optical Satellite Imagery: The Intraplate 2016 Mw 6.0 Petermann Ranges Earthquake, Australia.

47. Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking in CMIP5 and Future Changes in the Australia‐New Zealand Sector.

48. Orography Drives the Semistationary West Australian Summer Trough.