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1. Direct Evidence of Drift‐Compressional Wave Generation in the Earth's Magnetosphere Detected by Arase.

2. Electromagnetic Landau Resonance: MMS Observations.

3. The Effect of Compression Induced Chorus Waves on 10–100 s eV Electron Precipitation.

4. Van Allen Probes Observations of a Three‐Dimensional Field Line Resonance at a Plasmaspheric Plume.

5. Energetic Electrons Near Europa From Juno JEDI Data.

6. Trapped and Leaking Energetic Particles in Injection Flux Tubes of Saturn's Magnetosphere.

7. Solar Wind Drivers of Auroral Omega Bands.

8. Earth's Alfvén Wings Driven by the April 2023 Coronal Mass Ejection.

9. Field‐Aligned Current Structures During the Terrestrial Magnetosphere's Transformation Into Alfvén Wings and Recovery.

10. Formation of Electron Butterfly Distribution by a Contracting Dipolarization Front.

11. Surfing Acceleration of Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons Induced by the Propagation of Interplanetary Shock.

12. Measuring Low Plasma Density in the Earth's Equatorial Magnetosphere From Magnetosonic Waves.

13. Electron Energization With Bursty Bulk Flows: MHD With Embedded Particle‐In‐Cell Simulation.

14. Role of Subauroral Polarization Streams in Deep Injections of Energetic Electrons Into the Inner Magnetosphere.

15. Migration of Fast Magnetosonic Waves in the Magnetosphere With a Plasmaspheric Plume.

16. Evaluation of Particle Scattering by Oxygen Ion Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere.

17. Direct Observation of L‐X Mode of Auroral Kilometric Radiation in the Lower Latitude Magnetosphere by the Arase Satellite.

18. Two‐Dimensional Hybrid Simulation of the Second‐Harmonic Generation of EMIC Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere.

19. Dayside Pc2 Waves Associated With Flux Transfer Events in a 3D Hybrid‐Vlasov Simulation.

20. Successive Westward Traveling Surges Driven by Sequential Plasma‐Sheet Bubble Injections.

21. Plasma Observations During the 7 June 2021 Ganymede Flyby From the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) on Juno.

22. Deformation of Electron Distributions Due to Landau Trapping by the Whistler‐Mode Wave.

23. BepiColombo Mio Observations of Low‐Energy Ions During the First Mercury Flyby: Initial Results.

24. Saturn Anomalous Myriametric Radiation, a New Type of Saturn Radio Emission Revealed by Cassini.

25. Novel EMIC Wave Propagation Pathway Through Buchsbaum Resonance and Inter‐Hemispheric Wave Interference: Swarm Observations and Modeling.

26. Observation of Non‐Resonance Interactions Between Cold Protons and EMIC Waves of Different Polarizations in the Inner Magnetosphere.

27. The Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Instability Affected by the Temperature Anisotropic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere.

28. Evolution of Chorus Subpackets in the Earth's Magnetosphere.

29. Comment on "An Active Plume Eruption on Europa During Galileo Flyby E26 as Indicated by Energetic Proton Depletions" by Huybrighs et al.

30. Global Asymmetries of Hot Flow Anomalies.

31. Particle‐in‐Cell Simulation of Rising‐Tone Magnetosonic Waves.

32. Formation of Banded Chorus Waves by Propagation From Multiple Sources.

33. On the Relationship Between Regions of Large‐Scale Field‐Aligned Currents and Regions of Plateau in Plasma Pressure Observed in the Equatorial Plane of the Earth's Magnetosphere.

34. Observations of Kolmogorov Turbulence in Saturn's Magnetosphere.

35. Statistical Evidence for Off‐Equatorial Minimum‐B‐Pocket as a Source Region of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in the Dayside Outer Magnetosphere.

36. Post‐Sunset Field‐Line Resonances at Equatorial Latitudes Observed by Swarm.

37. Investigating the Occurrence of Kelvin‐Helmholtz Instabilities at Jupiter's Dawn Magnetopause.

38. On the Relation Between Jupiter's Aurora and the Dawnside Current Sheet.

39. Dayside Auroral Observation Resulting From a Rapid Localized Compression of the Earth's Magnetic Field.

40. Observation of Periodic Rising and Falling Tone ECH Waves at Saturn.

41. Explicit IMF By Dependence in Geomagnetic Activity: Modulation of Precipitating Electrons.

42. Explicit IMF By Dependence in Geomagnetic Activity: Modulation of Precipitating Electrons.

43. Energy Spectra Near Ganymede From Juno Data.

44. Banana Current in the Inner Magnetosphere Observed by Van Allen Probes.

45. Prediction of Axial Asymmetry in Jovian Magnetopause Reconnection.

46. Modulation of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Three Types of Whistler Mode Waves.

47. A Turbulent Heating Model Combining Diffusion and Advection Effects for Giant Planet Magnetospheres.

48. Electron Energization by Inertial Alfvén Waves in Density Depleted Flux Tubes at Jupiter.

49. The Mini Induced Magnetospheres at Mars.

50. Magnetosonic Waves Observed by the Van Allen Probe‐A Satellite: The Chirikov Resonance Overlap Criterion.