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1. Accounting for the UK Productivity Puzzle: A Decomposition and Predictions.

2. Debt Relief for Poor Countries: Conditionality and Effectiveness.

3. Airport Size and Urban Growth.

4. Microfinance and Diversification.

5. Did the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly Set Monopoly Prices?

6. How Status Concerns Can Make Us Rich and Happy.

7. Industry Concentration, Knowledge Diffusion and Economic Growth Without Scale Effects.

8. The Validity of the Long-run Heckscher–Ohlin Theorem in the Ricardian System.

9. Declining Predation during Development: a Feedback Process.

10. Trade dynamics and endogenous growth: An overlapping-generations analysis.

11. Growth and Violence: Argument for a Per Capita Measure of Civil War.

12. Predictable Recoveries.

13. The Impact of Government Debt, Expenditure and Taxes on Aggregate Investment and Productivity Growth.

14. Did the Euro Common Currency Increase or Decrease Business Cycle Synchronization for its Member Countries?

15. Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Panel Data Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.

16. Human Capital and Growth: Specification Matters.

17. The Persistent Effect of Colonialism on Corruption.

18. Inflation, Investment and Growth: a Money and Banking Approach.

19. Economics as a Moral Science.

20. Does Society Win or Lose as a Result of Privatization? The Case of Water Sector Privatization in Colombia.

21. Ideas and Growth.

22. Dual Economies and International Total Factor Productivity Differences: Channelling the Impact from Institutions, Trade, and Geography.

23. The Impact of Monetary Union on Macroeconomic Integration: Evidence from West Africa.

24. A Revised Tobin Effect from Inflation: Relative Input Price and Capital Ratio Realignments, USA and UK, 1959–1999.

25. Leverage and the Cost of Capital: Some Tests Using British Data.

26. Weak-form Efficiency in the Nineteenth Century: A Study of Daily Prices in the London Market for 3 per cent Consuls, 1821-1860.

27. Monetary Expansion and Aggregate Supply in a Small, Open Economy.

28. The Optimal Utilization of Capital Stock and the Level of Economic Development.

29. Humanitarian Aid, Fertility and Economic Growth.

30. The Distribution of Top Earnings in the UK since the Second World War.

31. Can Economics be Founded on ‘Indisputable Facts of Experience’? Lionel Robbins and the Pioneers of Neoclassical Economics.

32. Robbins on Economic Generalizations and Reality in the Light of Modern Econometrics.

33. Water Expansions in Shantytowns: Health and Savings.

34. Coase Lecture ‐ The Inverted‐U Relationship Between Credit Access and Productivity Growth.

35. Aid Volatility and Donor–Recipient Characteristics in ‘Difficult Partnership Countries’.

36. Law and Finance: Common Law and Civil Law Countries Compared—An Empirical Critique.

37. Welfare-Improving Employment Protection.

38. Inflation, Transaction Costs and Indeterminacy in Monetary Economies with Endogenous Growth.

39. Transitional and steady-state costs of disinflation when growth is endogenous.

40. The Economic Consequences of Political Donation Limits.

41. Demographic Change and R&D-based Economic Growth.

42. Inward versus Outward Growth Orientation in the Presence of Country Risk.

43. Unifying Ricardo's Theories of Growth and Comparative Advantage.

44. Technical Progress, Terms of Trade and Welfare under Variable Returns to Scale.

45. The Measurement and Sources of Technological Change Biases, with an Application to Postwar Japanese Agriculture.

46. The Impact of Adjusted Factor Cost Valuation on the CES Interpretation of Postwar Soviet Economic Growth.

47. Adam Smith's Theory of International Trade in the Perspective of Economic Development.

48. A Minimal Role of Government in Achieving Optimal Growth.

49. Output Growth Volatility and Remittances.

50. Conservative Central Banks and Nominal Growth, Exchange Rate and Inflation Targets.