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1. Soils, scale, or elites? Biological innovation in Uruguayan cattle farming, 1880–1913.

2. Industrialisation in a small grain economy during the First Globalisation: Bulgaria c. 1870–1910.

3. Conditional economic history: a reply to Komlos and Landes.

4. 'The Landscape and the Machine': A Comment.




8. The Hungarian twin crisis of 1931.

9. Gregory King and the economic structure of early modern England: an input-output table for 1688.

10. Growth or stagnation? Farming in England, 1200–1800.

11. The economic geography of race in the New World: Brazil, 1500-2000.

12. Agriculture and the Industrial Revolution.

13. The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages.


15. Plantation accounting and management practices in the US and the British West Indies at the end of their slavery eras1.

16. Conditional crisis? Ecological challenges and conditions of growth during the agricultural revolution in southern Sweden, c. 1700-1900.

17. The Danish agricultural revolution in an energy perspective: a case of development with few domestic energy sources.

18. Just add milk: a productivity analysis of the revolutionary changes in nineteenth-century Danish dairying.

19. Peasants' choices? Indian agriculture and the limits of commercialization in nineteenth-century Bihar.

20. Sharecropping and productivity: 'feudal residues' in Italian agriculture, 1911.

21. Growth and Deceleration in English Agriculture, 1660-1790.

22. Tithes and Agriculture: Some Comments on Commutation.

23. The Small Landowner and Parliamentary Enclosure in Warwickshire.

24. Prices and production: agricultural supply response in fourteenth-century England.

25. New annual estimates of Swedish GDP, 1800-2010.

26. The cost of railroad regulation: the disintegration of American agricultural markets in the interwar period.

27. Measuring business cycles in the Russian Empire Measuring business cycles in the Russian Empire.

28. Explaining contract choice: vertical coordination, sharecropping, and wine in Europe, 1850-19501.

29. The rise of agrarian capitalism and the decline of family farming in England 1.

30. Famine as agricultural catastrophe: the crisis of 1622-4 in east Lancashire.

31. Political fragmentation, competition, and investment decisions: the medieval grinding industry in Ponthieu, France, 1150–1250.

32. Agricultural productivity and rural incomes in England and the Yangtze Delta, c.1620–c.1820.

33. Villeinage in England: a regional case study, c.1250–c.1349.

34. Adaptable and sustainable? Male farm service and the agricultural labour force in midland and southern England, c.1850–1925.

35. The transition to an advanced organic economy: half a millennium of English agriculture.

36. Feeding the colleges: Cambridge's food and fuel supplies, 1450–1560.

37. Rehabilitating Arthur Young.

38. Managerial failure in late Victorian Britain?: land use and English agriculture.

39. The expansion of the south-western fisheries in late medieval England.

40. OTHER.

41. PERIODICAL LITERATURE: (iii) 1700-1800 (Book).

42. Tracking the agricultural revolution in England.

43. Agricultural support policies in a small open economy: New Zealand in the 1920's.

44. Path dependency, or why Britain became an industrialized and urbanized economy long before France.

45. List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland.

46. Farm succession in modern Ireland: elements of a theory of inheritance.

47. Customary rights and women's earnings: the importance of gleaning to the rural labouring poor, 1750-1850.

48. Anachronistic economics: grain storage in medieval England.

49. Farm tenure and land values in England, c. 1750-1950.

50. The medieval origins of the great landed estates of the Guadalquivir valley.