
Showing total 19 results
19 results

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1. C2CU: a CUDA C program generator for bulk execution of a sequential algorithm.

2. Automatic source-to-source error compensation of floating-point programs: code synthesis to optimize accuracy and time.

3. Global-scale distributed I/O with ParaMEDIC.

4. Performance modeling of component assemblies.

5. MultiRace: efficient on-the-fly data race detection in multithreaded C++ programs.

6. Managing application complexity in the SAMRAI object-oriented framework<FN>This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the U.S.A. </FN>.

7. Redesigning the message logging model for high performance.

8. Choosing among alternative pasts.

9. Load redundancy elimination on executable code.

10. SPiDER—An advanced symbolic debugger for Fortran 90/HPF programs.

11. Algorithmic support for model transformation in object-oriented software development.

13. Dekker's mutual exclusion algorithm made RW-safe.

14. Optimized composition of performance-aware parallel components.

15. Recurrence analysis for effective array prefetching in Java.

16. A role for Pareto optimality in mining performance data.

17. A parallel algorithm for static slicing of concurrent programs.

18. On the optimality of Feautrier's scheduling algorithm.

19. Active synchronization of multi-domain controllers in software-defined networks.