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468 results

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1. Superpolynomial Lower Bounds Against Low-Depth Algebraic Circuits.

2. Taming Algorithmic Priority Inversion in Mission-Critical Perception Pipelines.

3. The First Computer Program.

4. Improving Refugees' Integration with Online Resource Allocation: Technical Perspective.

5. Resolution of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform Conjecture.

6. Inherent Limitations of AI Fairness.

7. What Should We Do when Our Ideas of Fairness Conflict?

8. On Sampled Metrics for Item Recommendation.

9. Multi-Itinerary Optimization as Cloud Service.

10. Almost-Linear-Time Algorithms for Maximum Flow and Minimum-Cost Flow.

11. Why Is the Current XAI Not Meeting the Expectations? Seeking better explanations for how algorithmic decisions are made.

12. Historic Algorithms Help Unlock Shortest-Path Problem Breakthrough: By revisiting key algorithms from computing, a team unlocked hidden efficiency in a long-standing computer science problem.

13. Theory Research in India: 2019–2022.

15. Model Counting Meets Distinct Elements.

16. Offline and Online Algorithms for SSD Management.

17. Theoretical Analysis of Sequencing Bioinformatics Algorithms and Beyond: A case study reveals the theoretical analysis of algorithms is not always as helpful as standard dogma might suggest.

18. Activities of National Institute of Informatics in Japan.

19. Human-AI Cooperation to Tackle Misinformation and Polarization.

20. Tidy Towers: A tale of two towers.

21. Opening the Door to SSD Algorithmics.

22. On the Implicit Bias in Deep-Learning Algorithms.

23. Constant Overhead Quantum Fault Tolerance with Quantum Expander Codes.

24. BLeak: Automatically Debugging Memory Leaks in Web Applications.

25. Distributed Latency Profiling through Critical Path Tracing: CPT can provide actionable and precise latency analysis.

26. Flood-Risk Analysis on Terrains.

27. A Quantum Leap in Factoring.

28. The Evolution of Mathematical Software: Tracing how software and algorithms follow the hardware.

29. Good Algorithms Make Good Neighbors: Many computer scientists doubted ad hoc methods would ever give way to a more general approach to finding nearest neighbors. They were wrong.

30. Better Algorithms through Faster Math: The search for new algorithms that could reduce the time needed for multiplication is now at the center of data science.

31. Using Algorithms to Deliver Disaster Aid: Ensuring the billions of dollars governments send the disaster-stricken actually get to their intended destinations.

32. Toward Verified Artificial Intelligence.

33. A Perspective on Theoretical Computer Science in Latin America.

34. Technical Perspective: Tapping the Link between Algorithmic Model Counting and Streaming.

35. Experiments as Research Validation: Have We Gone Too Far?

36. Trust, Regulation, and Humanin-the-Loop AI: within the European Region.

37. Post-Quantum Cryptography: Cryptographers seek algorithms quantum computers cannot break.

38. Maximum Flow through a Network: A Storied Problem and a Groundbreaking Solution.

39. Abstractions, Their Algorithms, and Their Compilers.

40. Reimagining Chess with AlphaZero: AI is driving the next evolution of chess, giving players a glimpse into the game's future.

41. How Topic Novelty Impacts the Effectiveness of News Veracity Interventions: Can algorithmic advice override preconceived notions and the believability of fake news?

42. NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis.

43. Static Analysis.

44. Liquid Testing with Your Smartphone.

45. Viewpoint: Algorithms with Predictions.

46. Using Makeup to Block Surveillance.

47. WinoGrande: An Adversarial Winograd Schema Challenge at Scale.

48. Formalizing and Guaranteeing Human-Robot Interaction: As robots begin to interact closely with humans, we need to build systems worthy of trust regarding the safety and quality of the interaction.

49. The Complex Path to Quantum Resistance: Is your organization prepared?

50. Robustness Meets Algorithms.