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1. The evolution of the human capital of women.

2. How do business startup modes affect economic growth?

3. Asset bubbles, labour market frictions and R&D‐based growth.

4. Rethinking economic development.

5. Canadian monetary policy analysis using a structural VARMA model.

6. Are small or large producers driving the Canada-U.S. labour productivity gap? Recent evidence from manufacturing.

7. Sunk costs and the measurement of commercial property depreciation.

8. Demographics and recent productivity performance: insights from cross-country comparisons.

9. The propagation of U.S. shocks to Canada: understanding the role of real financial linkages.

10. The elusive effects of trade on growth: Export diversity and economic take-off.

11. Asymmetric Information, Auditing Commitment, and Economic Growth.

12. Trade openness reduces growth volatility when countries are well diversified.

13. Imperfect financial integration and asymmetric information: competing explanations of the home bias puzzle?

14. National borders matter ... where one draws the lines too.

15. Monetary transmission mechanisms in a small open economy: a Bayesian structural VAR approach.

16. Does the sophistication of use of unemployment insurance evolve with experience?

17. Globalization, product differentiation, and wage inequality.

18. The extent of the market and stages of agricultural specialization.

19. Does the expectation or realization of a federal election precipitate Canadian output growth?

20. FDI and productivity growth: the role of inter-industry linkages Y. Wang FDI and productivity growth.

21. Large real exchange rate movements, firm dynamics, and productivity growth.

22. Forecasting Canadian time series with the New Keynesian model.

23. Interaction between knowledge and technology: a contribution to the theory of development.

24. Innis Lecture: Explorations in medium-run macroeconomics.

25. Does S. Kuznets's belief question the Environmental Kuznets Curves?

26. Viewpoint: Boosting Recessions.

27. Why has trade grown faster than income?

28. The demand for scrap and primary metal ores after a decline in secular growth.

29. Economic growth, portfolio balance, and the balance of payments.

30. Children's environmental health, education, and economic development.

31. The extensive margin, sectoral shares, and international business cycles.

32. European influence and economic development.

33. Sources of Canadian economic growth.

34. Development-related biases in factor productivities and the HOV model of trade.

35. The impact of climate on the law of one price: A test using North American food prices from the 1920s.

36. Viewpoint: From cities to productivity and growth in developing countries.

37. Free trade and the burden of domestic policy.

38. Swedish economic growth and education since 1800.

39. Health investment, saving, and public policy.

40. A revision of Canadian economic growth: 1870-1910 (a challenge to the gradualist interpretation).

41. The effects of demonopolization on economic growth .


44. Canadian Manufactured Commodity Output, 1870-1915.

45. On indeterminacy and growth under progressive taxation and productive government spending.

46. Returns to scale: concept, estimation and analysis of Japan's turbulent 1964-88 economy.

47. Fiscal policy, rent seeking, and growth under electoral uncertainty: theory and evidence from the OECD.

48. Exchange-rate pass-through at the product level.

49. What drives the cross-country growth and inequality correlation?

50. R&D, innovation, and technological progress: a test of the Schumpeterian framework without scale effects.