
Showing total 451 results
451 results

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201. Short-time fractional Fourier methods for the time-frequency representation of chirp signals.

202. Improvement in matched field processing using the CLEAN algorithm.

203. Continuation of acoustic near-fields.

204. Lattice form adaptive infinite impulse response filtering algorithm for active noise control.

205. Application of Padé via Lanczos approximations for efficient multifrequency solution of Helmholtz problems.

206. Active stereo sound localization.

207. On the design of differential beamformers with arbitrary planar microphone array geometry.

208. Propagation of monopole source excited acoustic waves in a cylindrical high-density polyethylene pipeline.

209. Magnetic detection of underdriven USV track adaptive tracking in complex marine environment control algorithm research.

210. Path planning of indoor mobile robot based on improved A* algorithm incorporating RRT and JPS.

211. The variational-relaxation algorithm for finding quantum bound states.

212. Generalized sidelobe canceller beamforming method for ultrasound imaging.

213. RC-FODS algorithm for solving numerical solutions of fractional order dynamical system.

214. Singular Lagrangians and the Dirac–Bergmann algorithm in classical mechanics.

215. Performance analysis of various fundamental frequency estimation algorithms in the context of pathological speech.

216. Multi-level methods and approximating distribution functions.

217. Effects of atmospheric refraction on detecting elevated sources with beamforming algorithms.

218. Interactions of higher order tip effects in critical dimension-AFM linewidth metrology.

219. Equalization of loudspeaker response using balanced model truncation.

220. Complex eigenrays algorithm for infrasound propagation in a windy range dependent atmosphere.

221. Acoustic far-field prediction based on near-field measurements by using several different holography algorithms.

222. Comparison of update and genetic training algorithms in a memristor crossbar perceptron.

223. Inversion of spinning sound fields.

224. Dynamic measurement of room impulse responses using a moving microphone.

225. Beam pattern calculation for optimization of broadband array transducers.

226. An effective cluster-based model for robust speech detection and speech recognition in noisy environments.

227. Time reversal operator decomposition with focused transmission and robustness to speckle noise: Application to microcalcification detection.

228. Geoacoustic inversion of broadband data by matched beam processing.

229. Fast calculation system specialized for head-related transfer function based on boundary element method.

230. Multiple ping sonar accuracy improvement using robust motion estimation and ping fusion.

231. A phase reconstruction algorithm for Lamb wave based structural health monitoring of anisotropic multilayered composite plates.

232. A cross-spectrum weighting algorithm for speech enhancement and array processing: Combining phase-shift information and stationary signal properties.

233. Hybrid compliance-stiffness matrix method for stable analysis of elastic wave propagation in multilayered anisotropic media.

234. Algorithms for computing the time-corrected instantaneous frequency (reassigned) spectrogram, with applications.

235. Stiffness matrix method with improved efficiency for elastic wave propagation in layered anisotropic media.

236. Dispersion-reducing finite elements for transient acoustics.

237. Directional radiation pattern in structuralacoustic coupled system .

238. Empirical modeling of human face kinematics during speech using motion clustering .

239. The effects of ignored seabed variability in geoacoustic inversion.

240. Shor's factoring algorithm and modern cryptography. An illustration of the capabilities inherent in quantum computers.

241. Nonlinear vibrations of buried landmines .

242. Perceptual roughness of spatially assigned sparse noise for rendering reverberation.

243. An active impulsive noise control algorithm with a post-adaptive filter and variable step size.

244. Entangled linear polymers in fast shear flows: Comparison of tube-model predictions and experimental data.

245. A simplified methodology for the modeling of interfaces of elementary metals.

246. Gridless three-dimensional compressive beamforming with the Sliding Frank-Wolfe algorithm.

247. Efficient Cauchy distribution based quantum state preparation by using the comparison algorithm.

248. Understanding and compensating for noise on IBM quantum computers.

249. Using Hilbert curves to organize, sample, and sonify solar data.

250. Smartphone-based single-channel speech enhancement application for hearing aids.