
Showing total 451 results
451 results

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1. Bubble image segmentation and dynamic feature extraction in gas–liquid two-phase transient flow.

2. Image encryption algorithm based on optical chaos and Rubik's cube matrix conversion.

3. A novel method for multiple targets localization based on normalized cross-correlation adaptive variable step-size dynamic template matching.

4. A fast closed-form approximate iterative fitting algorithm based on laser absorption spectrum.

5. Design and implementation of user task offloading algorithm.

6. An image steganography algorithm via a compression and chaotic maps.

7. An improved mayfly algorithm and its application.

8. Improved faster R-CNN and adaptive Canny algorithm for defect detection using eddy current thermography.

9. DC model for SiC MOSFETs using artificial neural network optimized by artificial bee colony algorithm.

10. Study on optimization of mine ventilation network characteristic map based on improved GA algorithm.

11. Spatial domain dedispersion transform and its application extracting horizontal wavenumber structure.

12. Algorithm to visualize a 3D normal surface in anisotropic crystals and the polarization states of the o- and e-waves in uniaxial crystals.

13. Exact novel formulas and fast algorithm of potential for a hammock resistor network.

14. Erratum: "Path planning of water surface garbage cleaning robot based on improved immune particle swarm algorithm" [AIP Adv. 14, 025217 (2024)].

15. A study on compensatory scattering correction of industrial γ-photon 3D imaging method.

16. Eliminating backwall effects in the phased array imaging of near backwall defects.

17. Maneuvering target tracking based on an adaptive variable structure interactive multiple model filtering and smoothing algorithm.

18. Flash method and Bayesian inference for measurement of thermophysical fields.

19. Use of the filtered-x least-mean-squares algorithm to adapt personal sound zones in a car cabin.

20. Robust radioactive sources research method using possibility particle filter.

21. The stability optimization algorithm of second-order magnetic gradient tensor.

22. Grounding grid corrosion detection based on mini-batch gradient descent and greedy method.

23. Grid-free algorithms for direction-of-arrival trajectory localization.

24. Background-independent evaluation model for infrared jamming effectiveness of false targets.

25. Reconstruction of compressed video via non-convex minimization.

26. Automatic detection and classification of marmoset vocalizations using deep and recurrent neural networks.

27. Speech quality and stable gain trade-offs in adaptive feedback cancellation for hearing aids.

28. Evaluating automatic creaky voice detection methods.

29. An adaptive algorithm for acoustic feedback compensation and secondary path identification of an active noise control system.

30. An augmented diffusion algorithm with bidirectional communication for a distributed active noise control system.

31. Performance evaluation of an active headrest system using a filtered-x least mean square/fourth algorithm with virtual sensing.

32. Analysis of rock microseismic signal based on blind source wavelet decomposition algorithm.

33. Removal of incoherent noise from an averaged cross-spectral matrix.

34. Head movement immune active noise control with head mounted moving microphones.

35. A machine learning tutorial for spatial auditory display using head-related transfer functions.

36. Multiple source localization using learning-based sparse estimation in deep ocean.

37. Tuning of bending and torsional modes of bars used in mallet percussion instruments.

38. A temporal-spectral generative adversarial network based end-to-end packet loss concealment for wideband speech transmission.

39. Projectile drag coefficient identification based on extreme learning.

40. Influence factors of resolution in laser accelerated proton radiography and image deblurring.

41. Numerical solution of convection–diffusion–reaction equations by a finite element method with error correlation.

42. Impact of temporal Doppler on synthetic aperture sonar imagery.

43. Three-dimensional tuning of idiophone bar modes via finite element analysisa).

44. Fast compressive beamforming with a modified fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm.

45. Pickup position and plucking point estimation on an electric guitar via autocorrelation.

46. Track prediction of moving target for interference fringes without nearby points.

47. Trapping performance of holographic optical tweezers generated with different hologram algorithms.

48. Modification of frequency-domain active noise control algorithm without secondary path modeling.

49. Sparse direct adaptive equalization based on proportionate recursive least squares algorithm for multiple-input multiple-output underwater acoustic communications.

50. Synchronization precision analysis of a fractional-order hyperchaos with application to image encryption.