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117 results

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1. Reducibility of 1-d Schrödinger equation with unbounded time quasiperiodic perturbations. III.

2. Symmetry and equivalence in teleparallel gravity.

3. Preservation of adiabatic invariants and geometric numerical algorithm for disturbed nonholonomic systems.

4. A combing algorithm for orientable braided 3-belts.

5. Comment on "Nonlinear differential algorithm to compute all the zeros of a generic polynomial".

6. A new implementation of LSMR algorithm for the quaternionic least squares problem.

7. Embedding of rank two supercharges in the superconformal algebra.

8. On the computation of intersection numbers for twisted cocycles.

9. Efficient algorithms for approximating quantum partition functions.

10. Exact synthesis of single-qubit unitaries over Clifford-cyclotomic gate sets.

11. Reduction of divisors for classical superintegrable GL(3) magnetic chain.

12. Entropy dimension of shift spaces on monoids.

13. Connes distance function on fuzzy sphere and the connection between geometry and statistics.

14. Some relations between symmetries of nonlocally related systems.

15. On the construction of coherent states of position dependent mass Schrödinger equation endowed with effective potential.

16. Quantum-inspired maximizer.

17. Complementary reductions for two qubits.

18. Observables of angular momentum as observables on the Fedosov quantized sphere.

19. An algorithm for quaternionic linear equations in quaternionic quantum theory.

20. A hybrid algorithm framework for small quantum computers with application to finding Hamiltonian cycles.

21. Exact solutions of coupled Liénard-type nonlinear systems using factorization technique.

22. Matrix pencils and entanglement classification.

23. A two step method in inverse scattering problem for a crack.

24. Analysis of quantum walks with time-varying coin on d-dimensional lattices.

25. A new explicit multisymplectic scheme for the regularized long-wave equation.

26. Random tilings with the GPU.

27. On the Liouvillian solutions to the perturbation equations of the Schwarzschild black hole.

28. Nonlocal symmetries classifications and exact solution of Chaplygin gas equations.

29. Determination of all syzygies for the dependent polynomial invariants of the Riemann tensor. III. Mixed invariants of arbitrary degree in the Ricci spinor.

30. Constructing and exploring wells of energy landscapes.

31. Crystal bases and generalized Lascoux–Leclerc–Thibon (LLT) algorithm for the quantum affine algebra Uq(Cn(1)).

32. An algorithm for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of quaternion matrices in quaternionic quantum mechanics.

33. Phase-space Green’s functions for modeling time-harmonic scattering from smooth inhomogeneous objects.

34. The constraint algorithm for time-dependent Lagrangians.

35. A new algorithm for computing branching rules and Clebsch--Gordan coefficients of unitary representations of compact groups.

36. Q-difference and confluent forms of the lattice Boussinesq equation and the relevant convergence acceleration algorithms.

37. Recursive calculation of effective resistances in distance-regular networks based on Bose–Mesner algebra and Christoffel–Darboux identity.

38. Separation of unistochastic matrices from the double stochastic ones: Recovery of a 3×3 unitary matrix from experimental data.

39. Reduction and reconstruction of stochastic differential equations via symmetries.

40. On the canonical forms of the multi-dimensional averaged Poisson brackets.

41. The maximally entangled set of 4-qubit states.

42. Algorithms for SU(n) boson realizations and D-functions.

43. On the stable analytic continuation with a condition of uniform boundedness.

44. Vector-coherent-state representations of so(5) in an so(3) basis.

45. A direct algorithm of one-dimensional optimal system for the group invariant solutions.

46. On the no-signaling approach to quantum nonlocality.

47. A new proof of a formula for the type A2 fusion rules.

48. Conformai killing tensors and covariant Hamiltonian dynamics.

49. How to efficiently select an arbitrary Clifford group element.

50. The confluent supersymmetry algorithm for Dirac equations with pseudoscalar potentials.