
Showing total 7 results
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1. Validation of Lower Tier Exposure Tools Used for REACH: Comparison of Tools Estimates With Available Exposure Measurements.

2. Assessment of Multiple Aspects of Upper Extremity Function Independent From Ambulation in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis.

3. Comparison of three indirect methods for verification and validation of reference intervals at eight medical laboratories: a European multicenter study.

4. iTACTIC - implementing Treatment Algorithms for the Correction of Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy: study protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.

5. The end of the honeymoon: The increasing differentiation of (long-term) unemployment risks in Europe.

6. Optimal partial hedging of an American option: shifting the focus to the expiration date.

7. Design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a telemedicine system for home haemodialysis.