
Showing total 105 results
105 results

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1. Privacy-Preserving Federated Deep Learning Diagnostic Method for Multi-Stage Diseases.

2. Reviewing Machine Learning and Image Processing Based Decision-Making Systems for Breast Cancer Imaging.

3. Intelligent Stroke Disease Prediction Model Using Deep Learning Approaches.

4. Critical Appraisal of a Machine Learning Paper: A Guide for the Neurologist.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

6. Forecasting model for short-term wind speed using robust local mean decomposition, deep neural networks, intelligent algorithm, and error correction.

7. DeepEPhishNet: a deep learning framework for email phishing detection using word embedding algorithms.

8. Systematic review of content analysis algorithms based on deep neural networks.

9. Recent systematic review on student performance prediction using backpropagation algorithms.

10. Early Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: Integrating Histopathology with Artificial Intelligence.

11. Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Three Dimensional Black Holes.

12. A Comparative Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems: Leveraging Classification Algorithms and Feature Selection Techniques.

13. uDAS: An Untied Denoising Autoencoder With Sparsity for Spectral Unmixing.

14. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches Applied to Non-Invasive Imaging for Early Detection of Melanoma: A Systematic Review.

15. Weighted Aggregating Stochastic Gradient Descent for Parallel Deep Learning.

16. A modification of adaptive moment estimation (adam) for machine learning.

17. CNNG: A Convolutional Neural Networks With Gated Recurrent Units for Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification.


19. Contrastive Clustering for Unsupervised Recognition of Interference Signals.

20. Intrusion Detection System Through Deep Learning in Routing MANET Networks.

21. AI-Based Glioma Grading for a Trustworthy Diagnosis: An Analytical Pipeline for Improved Reliability.

22. An Exploration: Alzheimer's Disease Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network.

23. Comparative analysis of the TabNet algorithm and traditional machine learning algorithms for landslide susceptibility assessment in the Wanzhou Region of China.

24. An Autonomous Driving Approach Based on Trajectory Learning Using Deep Neural Networks.

25. Deep learning in automatic detection of dysphonia: Comparing acoustic features and developing a generalizable framework.

26. Trustworthy Breast Ultrasound Image Semantic Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Uncertainty Reduction.

27. Deep Learning with LPC and Wavelet Algorithms for Driving Fault Diagnosis.

28. Predicting the Existence of Brain Tumor in Mri Images by Applying FCNN.

29. Transfer Learning Strategies for Deep Learning-based PHM Algorithms.

30. Vocal-friend: internet of social-things framework to aid verbal communication.

31. Comparison of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Plant Disease Prediction.

32. Adversarial Training for Multi Domain Dialog System.

33. NeuroSim: A Circuit-Level Macro Model for Benchmarking Neuro-Inspired Architectures in Online Learning.

34. Lexical data augmentation for sentiment analysis.

35. Unrestricted deep metric learning using neural networks interaction.

36. Efficient Model Store and Reuse in an OLML Database System.

37. Improving classification of pollen grain images of the POLEN23E dataset through three different applications of deep learning convolutional neural networks.

38. Accelerating Deep Learning with a Parallel Mechanism Using CPU + MIC.

39. Generalizing Pooling Functions in CNNs: Mixed, Gated, and Tree.

40. Machine learning for intrusion detection: Design and Implementation of an IDS based on Artificial Neural Network.

41. 基于图像风格转换的水下图像显著性检测算法.

42. InceptionTime: Finding AlexNet for time series classification.

43. Toolkits and Libraries for Deep Learning.


45. Automatic Virtual Network Embedding: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach With Graph Convolutional Networks.

46. Deep Neural Network Integrated into Network-Based Stratification (D3NS): A Method to Uncover Cancer Subtypes from Somatic Mutations.

47. Unlocking the Potential of Clustering and Classification Approaches: Navigating Supervised and Unsupervised Chemical Similarity.

48. A survey of class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning.

49. Recommender system for health care analysis using machine learning technique: a review.

50. SleepEEGNet: Automated sleep stage scoring with sequence to sequence deep learning approach.