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1. Researchers from University of Jammu Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Cervical Cancer (Recent Developments In Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Using Deep Learning On Whole Slide Images: an Overview of Models, Techniques,...).

2. New Breast Cancer Research from Dalian Maritime University Described (A Study of Breast Cancer Classification Algorithms by Fusing Machine Learning and Deep Learning).

3. Research from First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University Reveals New Findings on Public Health (Medical image analysis using deep learning algorithms).

4. Researchers from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Engineering (A Review of Self-supervised, Generative, and Few-shot Deep Learning Methods for Data-limited Magnetic Resonance Imaging...).

5. University of Science and Technology Beijing Researcher Discusses Findings in Epilepsy (Predictive analysis of brain imaging data based on deep learning algorithms).

6. University of Dhaka Researchers Report Recent Findings in Personalized Medicine (A review of machine learning and deep learning algorithms for Parkinson's disease detection using handwriting and voice datasets).

7. Research Data from UCSI University Update Understanding of Optical Character Recognition (An Improved Algorithm for Optical Character Recognition using Graphical User Interface Design).

8. Research from Federal University Maranhao Reveals New Findings on Machine Learning (Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms for Enhanced Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Data Analysis).

9. Data on Machine Learning Detailed by Researchers at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Evaluating machine and deep learning techniques in predicting blood sugar levels within the E-health domain).

10. Reports from College of Engineering and Technology Highlight Recent Findings in Cancer Detection (Comparative Study and Analysis On Skin Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms).

11. Researcher from Arab American University Discusses Findings in Diagnostics (Infant Cry Signal Diagnostic System Using Deep Learning and Fused Features).

12. VIT-AP University Researcher Has Provided New Study Findings on Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions (Opportunities And Challenges of Machine Learning And Deep Learning Techniques in Cardiovascular Disease Prediction: A Systematic Review).

13. Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Researcher Has Published New Study Findings on Colon Cancer (Predicting Colorectal Cancer Using Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms: Challenges and Opportunities).

14. University of Health Sciences Researcher Publishes Findings in Thyroid Cancer (A novel deep machine learning algorithm with dimensionality and size reduction approaches for feature elimination: thyroid cancer diagnoses with randomly missing data).

15. SRM Institute of Science and Technology Researchers Target Anxiety Disorders (Early Detection of Stress and Anxiety Based Seizures in Position Data Augmented EEG Signal Using Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithms).

16. Study Results from College of Computer Science and Engineering Provide New Insights into Sleep Disorders (Applying Machine Learning Algorithms for the Classification of Sleep Disorders).

17. Research on Brain Diseases and Conditions Published by a Researcher at Capital Medical University (Diagnosis of brain disease based on the deep learning algorithms of neural imaging techniques).

18. New CDC and FDA Findings from Concordia University Outlined (Deep Learning In Stock Portfolio Selection and Predictions).

19. Studies from Nanyang Institute of Technology Describe New Findings in Arrhythmia (Novel Transformation Deep Learning Model for Electrocardiogram Classification and Arrhythmia Detection Using Edge Computing).

20. University of Anbar Researchers Update Current Data on Cancer Detection (A Deep Learning Algorithm for Lung Cancer Detection Using EfficientNet-B3).

21. Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Researchers Advance Knowledge in Biomedicine (Pseudo-Computed Tomography generation from Noisy Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Deep Learning Algorithm).

22. Researcher at Department of Technology Publishes New Data on Autism Spectrum Disorders (Examination of AI Algorithms for Image and MRI-based Autism Detection).

23. Researcher from Sichuan University Reports Recent Findings in Skin Diseases and Conditions (Recent Advancements and Perspectives in the Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning: A Review).

24. Studies Conducted at Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine on Materials Research Recently Reported (Fully Automated Construction of a Deep U-net Network Model for Medical Image Segmentation).

25. Researchers from Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Machine Learning (A comprehensive survey of deep learning algorithms and applications in dental radiograph analysis).

26. Report Summarizes Artificial Intelligence Study Findings from University Francisco of Vitoria (Enhancing Breast Cancer Diagnosis With Deep Learning and Evolutionary Algorithms: a Comparison of Approaches Using Different Thermographic Imaging...).

27. Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai Researcher Releases New Data on Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences (Systematic integration of information big data and physics teaching based on deep learning algorithms).

28. New Findings from People's Hospital in Porous Silicon Provides New Insights (Application of Serum Sers Technology Combined With Deep Learning Algorithm In the Rapid Diagnosis of Immune Diseases and Chronic Kidney Disease).

29. Study Findings from VIT-AP University Advance Knowledge in Brain Cancer (RU-Net2+: A Deep Learning Algorithm for Accurate Brain Tumor Segmentation and Survival Rate Prediction).

30. Research Data from Dongguk University Update Understanding of Machine Learning (DB-COVIDNet: A Defense Method against Backdoor Attacks).

31. New Life Sciences Research Has Been Reported by Researchers at National Research Council (CNR) (Applications of Deep Learning Algorithms to Ultrasound Imaging Analysis in Preclinical Studies on In Vivo Animals).

32. Reports Summarize Mathematics Study Results from Computer Department (A Comprehensive Review On Deep Learning Algorithms: Security and Privacy Issues).

33. University of Tlemcen Researcher Has Published New Study Findings on Medical and Biological Mechanics (Deep Learning For Segmentation And Counting of White Blood Cells in Clinical Diagnosis).

35. Research Conducted at Anna University Has Updated Our Knowledge about Obesity, Fitness and Wellness (An Efficient Deep Learning Algorithm for the Segmentation of Cardiac Ventricles).

37. Study Findings on Algorithms Discussed by a Researcher at Minia University (A Model for Qur'anic Sign Language Recognition Based on Deep Learning Algorithms).

38. Study Results from Kongu Engineering College Update Understanding of Aortic Aneurysm (An Extensive Review On Deep Learning and Machine Learning Intervention In Prediction and Classification of Types of Aneurysms).

39. Findings from Computer Science and Engineering Provide New Insights into Malaria (Malaria Parasite Detection On Microscopic Blood Smear Images With Integrated Deep Learning Algorithms).

40. Researchers from Razi University Describe Findings in Coronavirus (Ant Colony Optimization-rain Optimization Algorithm Based On Hybrid Deep Learning for Diagnosis of Lung Involvement In Coronavirus Patients).

41. Researchers from Saveh University of Medical Sciences Publish New Studies and Findings in the Area of Mental Disorders (A systematic literature review and analysis of deep learning algorithms in mental disorders).

42. Anhui University of Chinese Medicine Researchers Update Current Study Findings on Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (CT medical image segmentation algorithm based on deep learning technology).

43. Findings from China Pharmaceutical University in the Area of Diabetes Research Described (Development of a Metabolite-based Deep Learning Algorithm for Clinical Precise Diagnosis of the Progression of Diabetic Kidney Disease).

44. New Findings from Tianjin University of Science and Technology Describe Advances in COVID-19 (A COVID-19 medical image classification algorithm based on Transformer).

46. Wuhan College Researchers Publish New Studies and Findings in the Area of COVID-19 (How Have the COVID-19 Pandemic and Market Sentiment Affected the FX Market? Evidence from Statistical Models and Deep Learning Algorithms).

47. New Findings in Autism Spectrum Disorders Described from Sri Eshwar College of Engineering (Deep learning-based feature selection and prediction system for autism spectrum disorder using a hybrid meta-heuristics approach).

48. Study Findings from Izmir Katip Celebi Universitesi Update Knowledge in Acupuncture Therapy [Classification of the Central Effects of Transcutaneous Electroacupuncture Stimulation (TEAS) at Different Frequencies: A Deep Learning Approach Using...].

50. School of Information Technology and Engineering Researcher Publishes New Studies and Findings in the Area of Blockchain Technology (Diabetic Retinopathy Detection: A Blockchain and African Vulture Optimization Algorithm-Based Deep Learning ...).