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1. Models and Tabu Search Metaheuristics for Service Network Design with Asset-Balance Requirements.

2. A Two-Stage Hybrid Local Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.

3. Optimal Traffic Assignment with Elastic Demands: A Review Part I. Analysis Framework.

4. A Progressive Motion-Planning Algorithm and Traffic Flow Analysis for High-Density 2D Traffic.

5. The Shortest Path Problem with Time Windows and Linear Waiting Costs.

6. 2-Path Cuts for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.

7. An Exact Constraint Logic Programming Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time...

8. Traffic Equilibrium with Responsive Traffic Control.

9. A Heuristic for the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem.

10. The Hierarchical Network Design Problem: A New Formulation and Solution Procedures.

11. A Combined Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Model Split, and Trip Assignment Model.

12. Equilibrium Decomposed Optimization: A Heuristic for the Continuous Equilibrium Network Design Problems.

13. Optimal Path of a Single Service Unit on a Network to a "Nonemergency" Destination.

14. Updating Paths in Time-Varying Networks Given Arc Weight Changes.

15. Waiting Strategies for Dynamic Vehicle Routing.

16. A Heuristic Search Approach for a Nonstationary Stochastic Shortest Path Problem with Terminal Cost.

17. A Request Clustering Algorithm for Door-to-Door Handicapped Transportation.

18. Optimal Inspection and Repair Policies for Infrastructure Facilities.

19. Variational Problems for Determining Optimal Paths of a Moving Facility.

20. A Simulated Annealing Approach to the Network Design Problem with Variational Inequality Constraints.

21. A Median Location Model with Nonclosest Facility Service.

22. A Tactical Planning Model for Rail Freight Transportation.

23. Garage Location for an Urban Mass Transit System.

24. Network Optimization with Continuous Control Parameters.

25. A Maximum Entropy Combined Distribution and Assignment Model Solved by Benders Decomposition.

26. Scheduling a Fixed-Schedule, Common Carrier Passenger Transportation System.

27. O(N log N) Algorithm for the Rectilinear Round-Trip Location Problem.

28. A Maximum Cluster Algorithm for Checking the Feasibility of Dial-A-Ride Instances.

29. An Adaptive Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Resource Allocation Problem.

30. Simultaneous Estimation of the Origin-Destination Matrices and Travel-Cost Coefficient for Congested Networks in a Stochastic User Equilibrium.

31. An Exact Method for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls.

32. An Optimization-Based Heuristic for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Soft Time Window Constraints.

33. Boolean and Graph Theoretic Formulations of the Simple Plant Location Problem.

34. Selected Abstracts for the 1989 Transportation Science Section Dissertation Prize Competition.

35. Optimal Traffic Assignment with Elastic Demands: A Review Part II. Algorithmic Approaches.

36. A Dynamic Programming Solution to the Single Vehicle Many-to-Many Immediate Request Dial-a-Ride Problem.