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49 results

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1. The Discrete Minimum Constraint Removal Motion Planning Problem.

2. A New Search Direction of DFP-CG Method for Solving Unconstrained Optimization Problems.

3. Ant Colony Optimization for Route Allocation in Transportation Networks.

4. The Analyze of the Dynamic Performances of Two Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms for Photovoltaic Systems.

5. Solving systems of inequalities and equalities by a nonmonotone hybrid tabu search method.

6. An algorithm to construct new (near-) MDS or (near-) MDR self-dual codes over finite rings Zpm.

7. Nuclear Fission Investigation with Twin Ionization Chamber.

8. Recognition of Graphs with Convex Quadratic Stability Number.

9. Norms on Semi-Lipschitz Functions: An Approach to Computing Complexity by Partial Functions.

10. Finite Element Analysis of Polycrystalline Deformation with the Rate-dependent Crystal Plasticity.

11. Simulation of Quantum Algorithms on a Symbolic Computer.

12. Context Recognition for a Hyperintensional Inference Machine.

13. New Global Optimization Method for Non-Smooth Unconstrained Continuous Optimization.

14. The Problem of Robot Swarms Control with only Global Signals.

15. A Gradient-Related Algorithm for Solving Large Scale, Spatially Explicit, Welfare Models with Transportation.

16. Control-Theoretic Framework for a Quasi-Newton Local Volatility Surface Inversion.

17. A Nonlinear Explicit One-Step Integration Scheme for Singular Autonomous Initial Value Problems.

18. Proximity Queries between Interval-Based CSG Octrees.

19. Cryptographic Hash Algorithms Based on Time Averaging Techniques.

20. Problem-oriented systems technique in spacecraft.

21. Eigenvalue Computation of Totally Nonnegative Upper Hessenberg Matrices Based on a Variant of the Discrete Hungry Toda Equation.

22. Differential attack on mini-AES.

23. Structure and Reversibility of 2-dimensional Hexagonal Cellular Automata.

24. The Approximate Solution of Non-linear Stochastic Diffusion Equation using Symbolic WHEP, Different Correction Levels.

25. State space realization of fractional order systems.

26. TSP based Evolutionary optimization approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem.

27. Parallel State Space Construction for a Model Checking Based on Maximality Semantics.

28. Determination Of Slitting Criterion Parameter During The Multi Slit Rolling Process.

29. Improved Versions of the GLOBAL Optimization Algorithm and the GlobalJ Modularized Toolbox.

30. Alternative quasi-optimal solutions in evolutionary topology optimization.

31. Simultaneous Diagonalization of Various Size Matrices.

32. Simulations for Efficient Combination of Two Lower Bound Functions in Univariate Global Optimization.

33. On Derivations of Low Dimensional Associative Dialgebras.

34. A new design of fission detector for prompt fission neutron investigation.

35. To the identification of an inverse boundary-value problem for the biharmonic equation.

36. MOQA min-max heapify: A randomness preserving algorithm.

37. On Some New q-Integral Inequalities.

38. Total Variation Meets Topological Persistence: A First Encounter.

39. Frame Field Generation for Mesh Parameterization.

40. Gel’fand-Tsetlin Procedure for the Construction of Orthogonal Bases in Hermitean Clifford Analysis.

41. Fast N-Body Methods: Why, What, and Which.

42. A Nested Genetic Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Non-Linear Coupled Equations in Water Quality Modeling.

43. Coupled Flow Deformation Analysis Using Meshfree Method.


45. Concerning the Stability of BDF Methods.

46. Constructions of copy rules.

47. Haplotyping Problem, A Clustering Approach.

48. Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Spherical Interpolation.

49. Mesh Re-zoning In Multi-Stand Rolling.