
Showing total 101 results
101 results

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1. 基于大数据的高校教务域数仓应用研究.

2. seqAFF-ResNet: 面向新冠肺炎的诊断模型.

3. 中国东部地区ZWD 精化模型构建.

4. 不同温度下预氧化煤自然发火特性研究.

5. 塔西南坳陷柯东构造带白垩系沉积古环境 及沉积特征研究.

6. Improved detection of table row, column and cell structure based on YOLOv8.

7. Effect of pore structure on water retention and shear strength of clays.

8. Development and durability evaluation of thermal reflective coating for asphalt pavement.

9. 沥青路面养护技术能耗及碳排放量化分析.

10. 基于改进扩散模型的温度预报.

11. 基于改进YOLOv5 算法的红外图像行人目标检测.

12. 地面气象测温传感器设计及实验研究.

13. 韩城区块煤层气井顶板控底重复 压裂技术研究与应用.

14. Geochemical characteristics and distribution of Lower Cretaceous Albian stage source rocks in Côte d'Ivoire Basin.

15. 基于改进Faster RCNN 的金属丝网 缺陷检测方法.

16. 基于HRI 的高密度立交群出入口 驾驶人精神负荷.

17. 基于动态幻影的轻量级人体姿态估计.

18. 基于知识图谱和强化学习的攻击预测方法.

19. 海上超高温高压井取心工具关键性能 评价及应用研究.

20. 强嵌挤ATB-30 沥青稳定砾石级配设计 及路用性能研究.

21. 非线性广义分数阶多智能体系统迭代学习趋同控制.

22. 凹槽对多翼离心风机气动性能和噪声的影响.

23. 内焊钢筋-钢管混凝土界面粘结滑移性能.

24. 基于双荷载箱自平衡法的黄土地区桩基 承载特性试验研究.

25. 竖向荷载对高承台群桩基础侧向位移 影响规律的振动台试验.

26. 基于改进YOLOv5 的黑色素瘤图像自动诊断.

27. 基于Canny-YOLO 的目标检测方法改进研究.

28. 基于层次对比生成对抗网络的非配对素描人脸合成.

29. 中国市场乘用车质量和动力性能参数特征.

30. 冻结道砟单轴压缩试验的离散元细观参数优化.

31. M24 高强度螺栓低周疲劳试验与理论研究.

32. 不同制动工况下地铁车轮踏面磨耗研究.

33. 可回收桩锚变形影响因素模型试验与数值模拟.

34. 大宁-吉县区块深层煤层水平井坍塌压力分布研究.

35. 压后投产不压井完井作业技术研究.

36. 恩平某油田超深大位移井套管下入研究.

37. 低密度有机-无机互穿网络堵漏体系研究.

38. Effects of different temperatures and humidity on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

39. High temperature rheological properties of high content rubber-SBS composite modified asphalt.

40. Improvements of fingerprint localization of hybrid kernel extreme learning machine based on differential evolution.

41. Discrete chaotic quantum bat algorithm for solution of Max-Re-SAT.

42. Remaining life prediction of locomotive wheel based on two-stage stochastic Wiener process.

43. Analysis of seismic mitigation and isolation measures for long-unit PC continuous girder bridge in high-intensity area.

44. Analysis of macro-fine cracking characteristics of Butun rock asphalt concrete under repetitive loading at multiple frequencies.

45. Influence of infilled wall distribution on the load of progressive collapse resistance of RC frame structures.

46. Application of NMR technology in quantitative characterization of tight core pores.

47. High-density 3D seismic and its effectiveness in Qintong Sag, Subei Basin.

48. A new method for evaluating the driving energy of gas cap reservoirs via calculation of average formation pressure based on the production performance data.

49. Effect of molding process on the performance of cement stabilized gravel.

50. Pavement performance evaluation of modified steel slag-asphalt mixture based on grey target decision model.