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1. Using environmental education to nurture positive human–wildlife interactions in India.

2. Taxonomy and distribution of desmids in Karapuzha Dam, Western Ghats, Kerala.

3. Rock–water interaction, chemical weathering and solute transport of two rivers draining contrasting climate gradients in Western Ghats, India.

4. Sampling strategies for the assessment of tree species diversity.


6. Desiccation-tolerant vascular plants from Western Ghats, India: review, updated checklist, future prospects and new insights.

7. GA3‐mediated reforestation pioneering mechanism of actinorhizal Elaeagnus conferta Roxb. in the slashed and burnt shifting cultivation lands in India's megadiversity hotspot.

8. Ardisia anamalaiana (Primulaceae), a new species from southern Western Ghats, India.

9. Establishment of Baseline Reference Geochemical Values in Tropical Soils of Western Ghats: Assessment of Periyar Basin with Special Reference to Contaminant Geochemistry.

10. Contracaecum nematode parasites in hillstream loaches of the Western Ghats, India.

11. The flooded habitat adaptation, niche differentiation, and evolution of Myristicaceae trees in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot in India.

13. Future Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation Indicate the Dominance of Frequency Over Intensity: A Multi‐Model Assessment From CMIP6 Across India.

14. Evolution of large‐scale factors influencing extreme rainfall over south western coast of India.

15. Impact of agricultural water management interventions on upstream–downstream trade‐offs in the upper Cauvery catchment, southern India: a modelling study*.

16. Glycosmis albicarpa (Rutaceae: Clauseneae), a new species from southern Western Ghats, India.

17. Demographics and exploitation of two Near Threatened freshwater eels, Anguilla bengalensis and Anguilla bicolor, in small‐scale subsistence fisheries and implications for conservation.

18. Forbidden fruits? Ecosystem services from seed dispersal by fruit bats in the context of latent zoonotic risk.

19. Sustainability of coffee land use upon conversion from natural forest in Western Ghats of South India: An evaluation.

20. Phylogenetic turnover in tropical tree communities: impact of environmental filtering, biogeography and mesoclimatic niche conservatism.

21. Reconsideration of the Gomphonema (Bacillariophyceae) species from Kolhapur, Northern Western Ghats, India: Taxonomy, typification and biogeography of the species reported by H.P. Gandhi.

22. A synopsis of Nimmo's Croton (Euphorbiaceae: Crotoneae) including an overlooked new species from India.

23. Hornbill abundance and breeding incidence in relation to habitat modification and fig fruit availability.

24. Elevational gradients of reptile richness in the southern Western Ghats of India: Evaluating spatial and bioclimatic drivers.

25. Population dynamics of Hypselobarbus thomassi (Day 1874), an endemic cyprinid fish from a tropical reservoir of Southern Western Ghats, India.

26. Gross rates of nitrogen transformation in soils of a global biodiversity hotspot (Western Ghats, India).

27. Mesoscale precipitation characteristics near the Western Ghats during the Indian Summer Monsoon as simulated by a high-resolution regional model.

28. Geomorphic fluvial markers reveal transient landscape evolution in tectonically quiescent southern Peninsular India.

29. Investigation of orographic features influencing spatial distribution of rainfall over the Western Ghats of India using satellite data.

30. Interannual variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall onset date at local scale.

31. High cryptic diversity of endemic Indirana frogs in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot.

32. Structure of ant assemblages in Western Ghats, India: role of habitat, disturbance and introduced species.

33. Water-soluble red pigments from Isaria farinosa and structural characterization of the main colored component.

34. Biodiversity Conservation in Agricultural Landscapes: Challenges and Opportunities of Coffee Agroforests in the Western Ghats, India.

35. At which scales does landscape structure influence the spatial distribution of elephants in the Western Ghats (India)?

36. Biodiversity scales from plots to biomes with a universal species–area curve.

37. 'Damsel in distress'- The tale of Miss Kerala, Puntius denisonii (Day), an endemic and endangered cyprinid of the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot (South India).

38. Adult butterfly communities in coffee plantations around a protected area in the Western Ghats, India.

39. Macrofungal diversity in fragmented and disturbed forests of the Western Ghats of India.

40. Conservation Threat of Increasing Fire Frequencies in the Western Ghats, India.

41. ORIGINAL ARTICLE Distribution, endemism and threat status of freshwater fishes in the Western Ghats of India.

42. Broad-scale biodiversity pattern of the endemic tree flora of the Western Ghats (India) using canonical correlation analysis of herbarium records.

43. Rain forest expansion mediated by successional processes in vegetation thickets in the Western Ghats of India.

44. Fatty Acid Composition of Baccaurea courtallensis Muell. Arg Seed Oil: an Endemic Species of Western Ghats, India.