
Showing total 1,479 results
1,479 results

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1. Study of the error correction capability of multiple sequence alignment algorithm (MAFFT) in DNA storage.

2. Regional registration of whole slide image stacks containing major histological artifacts.

3. Small protein complex prediction algorithm based on protein–protein interaction network segmentation.

4. A binary biclustering algorithm based on the adjacency difference matrix for gene expression data analysis.

5. Structure-based kernels for the prediction of catalytic residues and their involvement in human inherited disease

6. String correction using the Damerau-Levenshtein distance.

7. CAT: computer aided triage improving upon the Bayes risk through ε-refusal triage rules.

8. Design of lung nodules segmentation and recognition algorithm based on deep learning.

9. TPSC: a module detection method based on topology potential and spectral clustering in weighted networks and its application in gene co-expression module discovery.

10. ILRC: a hybrid biomarker discovery algorithm based on improved L1 regularization and clustering in microarray data.

11. Guest Editors' Introduction.

12. Using sound to understand protein sequence data: new sonification algorithms for protein sequences and multiple sequence alignments.

13. Identifying homogeneous subgroups of patients and important features: a topological machine learning approach.

14. USI: a fast and accurate approach for conceptual document annotation.

15. A comparison of graph- and kernel-based - omics data integration algorithms for classifying complex traits.

16. DCJ-RNA - double cut and join for RNA secondary structures.

17. A new algorithm to train hidden Markov models for biological sequences with partial labels.

18. Linear space string correction algorithm using the Damerau-Levenshtein distance.

19. MGC: a metagenomic gene caller.

20. Discriminative structural approaches for enzyme active-site prediction.

21. Crystallizing short-read assemblies around seeds.

22. ADEPT: a domain independent sequence alignment strategy for gpu architectures.

23. Diversity-guided Lamarckian random drift particle swarm optimization for flexible ligand docking.

24. Comparative phyloinformatics of virus genes at micro and macro levels in a distributed computing environment.

25. Maximum common subgraph: some upper bound and lower bound results.

26. An improved ant colony algorithm with diversified solutions based on the immune strategy.

27. Evaluation of clustering algorithms for gene expression data.

28. SEQOPTICS: a protein sequence clustering system.

29. Efficient proximal gradient algorithm for inference of differential gene networks.

30. MD-SVM: a novel SVM-based algorithm for the motif discovery of transcription factor binding sites.

31. Balancing multiple objectives in conformation sampling to control decoy diversity in template-free protein structure prediction.

32. ADS-HCSpark: A scalable HaplotypeCaller leveraging adaptive data segmentation to accelerate variant calling on Spark.

33. Optimising orbit counting of arbitrary order by equation selection.

34. SVM-RFE: selection and visualization of the most relevant features through non-linear kernels.

35. Collective prediction of protein functions from protein-protein interaction networks.

36. Exploring spatial-frequency-sequential relationships for motor imagery classification with recurrent neural network.

37. SuperNoder: a tool to discover over-represented modular structures in networks.

38. Algorithms designed for compressed-gene-data transformation among gene banks with different references.

39. HashClone: a new tool to quantify the minimal residual disease in B-cell lymphoma from deep sequencing data.

40. An effective approach to detecting both small and large complexes from protein-protein interaction networks.

41. Multi-scale RNA comparison based on RNA triple vector curve representation.

42. A hybrid method for the exact planted (l, d) motif finding problem and its parallelization.

43. Efficient and accurate greedy search methods for mining functional modules in protein interaction networks.

44. Semantic inference using chemogenomics data for drug discovery.

45. Semi-Automatic segmentation of multiple mouse embryos in MR images.

46. Bacterial syntenies: an exact approach with gene quorum.

47. Discovering time-lagged rules from microarray data using gene profile classifiers.

48. Dynamic programming re-ranking for PPI interactor and pair extraction in full-text articles.

49. Time lagged information theoretic approaches to the reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks.

50. Discrete wavelet transform de-noising in eukaryotic gene splicing.