
Showing total 1,411 results
1,411 results

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1. BioRAT: extracting biological information from full-length papers

2. Spectral clustering of single-cell multi-omics data on multilayer graphs

3. QuasiSeq: profiling viral quasispecies via self-tuning spectral clustering with PacBio long sequencing reads

4. BFF and cellhashR: analysis tools for accurate demultiplexing of cell hashing data

5. Design and application of a knowledge network for automatic prioritization of drug mechanisms

6. EDClust: an EM–MM hybrid method for cell clustering in multiple-subject single-cell RNA sequencing

7. InstaPrism: an R package for fast implementation of BayesPrism.

8. Efficient toolkit implementing best practices for principal component analysis of population genetic data

9. RNA inter-nucleotide 3D closeness prediction by deep residual neural networks

10. ILoReg: a tool for high-resolution cell population identification from single-cell RNA-seq data

11. MAGUS: Multiple sequence Alignment using Graph clUStering

12. A novel estimator of the interaction matrix in Graphical Gaussian Model of omics data using the entropy of non-equilibrium systems

13. Finding long tandem repeats in long noisy reads

14. PopCluster: an algorithm to identify genetic variants with ethnicity-dependent effects

15. OGRE: Overlap Graph-based metagenomic Read clustEring

16. Benchmark of software tools for prokaryotic chromosomal interaction domain identification

17. CLoNe: automated clustering based on local density neighborhoods for application to biomolecular structural ensembles

18. IDRMutPred: predicting disease-associated germline nonsynonymous single nucleotide variants (nsSNVs) in intrinsically disordered regions

19. Co-sparse reduced-rank regression for association analysis between imaging phenotypes and genetic variants

20. TE-greedy-nester: structure-based detection of LTR retrotransposons and their nesting

21. RTExtract: time-series NMR spectra quantification based on 3D surface ridge tracking

22. Adaptive multiorientation resolution analysis of complex filamentous network images

23. Isolating structural errors in reaction networks in systems biology

24. Boosting the extraction of elementary flux modes in genome-scale metabolic networks using the linear programming approach

25. Identification of population-level differentially expressed genes in one-phenotype data

26. Integrating multi-OMICS data through sparse canonical correlation analysis for the prediction of complex traits: a comparison study

27. Vargas: heuristic-free alignment for assessing linear and graph read aligners

28. LeafCutterMD: an algorithm for outlier splicing detection in rare diseases

29. FUpred: detecting protein domains through deep-learning-based contact map prediction

30. Resolving single-cell heterogeneity from hundreds of thousands of cells through sequential hybrid clustering and NMF

31. Robust partial reference-free cell composition estimation from tissue expression

32. NIHBA: a network interdiction approach for metabolic engineering design

33. Statistical significance of cluster membership for unsupervised evaluation of cell identities

34. Metagenome SNP calling via read-colored de Bruijn graphs

35. Polar labeling: silver standard algorithm for training disease classifiers

36. Bivartect: accurate and memory-saving breakpoint detection by direct read comparison

37. Generalizable sgRNA design for improved CRISPR/Cas9 editing efficiency

38. Targeted realignment of LC-MS profiles by neighbor-wise compound-specific graphical time warping with misalignment detection

39. LiPLike: towards gene regulatory network predictions of high certainty

40. MatchMixeR: a cross-platform normalization method for gene expression data integration

41. Phylonium: fast estimation of evolutionary distances from large samples of similar genomes

42. SPDI: data model for variants and applications at NCBI

43. DeepMSA: constructing deep multiple sequence alignment to improve contact prediction and fold-recognition for distant-homology proteins

44. Multi-kernel linear mixed model with adaptive lasso for prediction analysis on high-dimensional multi-omics data

45. Taxonomic weighting improves the accuracy of a gap-filling algorithm for metabolic models

46. NITUMID: Nonnegative matrix factorization-based Immune-TUmor MIcroenvironment Deconvolution

47. Mixed graphical models for integrative causal analysis with application to chronic lung disease diagnosis and prognosis

48. Dot2dot: accurate whole-genome tandem repeats discovery

49. A parallel computational framework for ultra-large-scale sequence clustering analysis

50. A benchmark for comparing precision medicine methods in thyroid cancer diagnosis using tissue microarrays