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3. Smart Random Walk Distributed Secured Edge Algorithm Using Multi-Regression for Green Network.

5. A Review on Federated Learning and Machine Learning Approaches: Categorization, Application Areas, and Blockchain Technology.

6. Physics driven behavioural clustering of free-falling paper shapes.

7. Avoiding the Digital Age is Hurting Research Efforts: A greater shift from paper records and physical assets is achievable.

8. FDA Releases Two Discussion Papers to Spur Conversation about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Drug Development and Manufacturing.

9. Algorithms for Liver Segmentation in Computed Tomography Scans: A Historical Perspective.

10. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Healthcare.

11. Data Mining Algorithm Based on Fusion Computer Artificial Intelligence Technology.

12. Predicting translational progress in biomedical research.

13. Taming Algorithmic Priority Inversion in Mission-Critical Perception Pipelines.

14. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

15. A Real-Time Olive Fruit Detection for Harvesting Robot Based on YOLO Algorithms.

16. Artificial Intelligence-Based Algorithms in Medical Image Scan Segmentation and Intelligent Visual Content Generation—A Concise Overview.

17. Economic Dispatch Optimization Strategies and Problem Formulation: A Comprehensive Review.

18. A Comprehensive Overview of Control Algorithms, Sensors, Actuators, and Communication Tools of Autonomous All-Terrain Vehicles in Agriculture.

19. Improved adaptive-phase fuzzy high utility pattern mining algorithm based on tree-list structure for intelligent decision systems.

20. Disparities in Breast Cancer Diagnostics: How Radiologists Can Level the Inequalities.

21. Research on Obstacle Avoidance Planning for UUV Based on A3C Algorithm.

22. The Use of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in the Prognosis and Detection of Lymph Node Involvement in Head and Neck Cancer and Possible Impact in the Development of Personalized Therapeutic Strategy: A Systematic Review.

23. Pharmacological, Non-Pharmacological Policies and Mutation: An Artificial Intelligence Based Multi-Dimensional Policy Making Algorithm for Controlling the Casualties of the Pandemic Diseases.

24. Artificial Neural Network Assisted Cancer Risk Prediction of Oral Precancerous Lesions.

25. Chip Pad Inspection Method Based on an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm.

26. Improvement of AHMES Using AI Algorithms.

27. Single-Image Defogging Algorithm Based on Improved Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Network.

28. Advances on intelligent algorithms for scientific computing: an overview.

29. Stop Fake News: AI, Algorithms and Mitigation Actions in India.


31. DC-SHAP Method for Consistent Explainability in Privacy-Preserving Distributed Machine Learning.

32. Enhancements in Radiological Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes Utilizing AI-Assisted Ultrasound Imaging Data and the Lymph Node Reporting and Data System Scale.

33. An efficient beaconing of bluetooth low energy by decision making algorithm.

34. Towards a common European ethical and legal framework for conducting clinical research: the GATEKEEPER experience.

35. The Algorithm Holy: TikTok, Technomancy, and the Rise of Algorithmic Divination.

36. Algorithms and Faith: The Meaning, Power, and Causality of Algorithms in Catholic Online Discourse.

37. Intelligent Algorithms Enable Photocatalyst Design and Performance Prediction.

38. Lightweight Arc Fault Detection Method Based on Adam-Optimized Neural Network and Hardware Feature Algorithm.

39. Automating the Analysis of Negative Test Verdicts: A Future-Forward Approach Supported by Augmented Intelligence Algorithms.

40. Best Principal Submatrix Selection for the Maximum Entropy Sampling Problem: Scalable Algorithms and Performance Guarantees.

41. Measurement of 3D Wrist Angles by Combining Textile Stretch Sensors and AI Algorithm.

42. Artificial Intelligence in Pediatrics: Learning to Walk Together.

43. Matrix Factorization Recommendation Algorithm Based on Attention Interaction.

44. Where do we stand in AI for endoscopic image analysis? Deciphering gaps and future directions.

45. A Review of Path Planning for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.

46. Governing algorithms from the South: a case study of AI development in Africa.

47. Computationally efficient low-power sigma delta modulation-based image processing algorithm.

48. Utilizing ChatGPT in clinical research related to anesthesiology: a comprehensive review of opportunities and limitations.

49. Development Of Coordinates Based Cnnshortestpath Algorithm For The Prediction Of The Uav Travel Path Based On The Drone Node Dataset -- An Alpha Defensive Path Prediction.

50. Indoor Visible Light Positioning System Based on Point Classification Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.