
Showing total 7 results
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1. Assessment of diverse algorithms applied on MODIS Aqua and Terra data over land surfaces in Europe.

2. Validation of an AOT product over land at the 0.6 μm channel of the SEVIRI sensor onboard MSG.

3. Regional CO2 inversions with LUMIA, the Lund University Modular Inversion Algorithm, v1.0.

4. Estimating cloud optical thickness and associated surface UV irradiance from SEVIRI by implementing a semi-analytical cloud retrieval algorithm.

5. Temporal and spatial analysis of ozone concentrations in Europe based on timescale decomposition and a multi-clustering approach.

6. Technical note: A new day- and night-time Meteosat Second Generation Cirrus Detection Algorithm MeCiDA.

7. Near-real time retrieval of tropospheric NO2 from OMI.