
Showing total 30 results
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1. Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a Korean Debris Flow-Induced Rainfall Threshold Estimation Algorithm.

2. Advanced Path Planning for Autonomous Street-Sweeper Fleets under Complex Operational Conditions.

3. Parallel Implementation of Lightweight Secure Hash Algorithm on CPU and GPU Environments.

4. RDCP: A Real Time Sea Fog Intensity and Visibility Estimation Algorithm.

5. Development of Voltage Control Algorithm for Improving System Stability in Korean Distribution Grids.

6. Optimal electric load forecasting for systems by an adaptive Crow Search Algorithm: A case study.

7. Path algorithms for fused lasso signal approximator with application to COVID‐19 spread in Korea.

8. A Deep Learning Model for Precipitation Nowcasting Using Multiple Optical Flow Algorithms.

9. Machine Learning for Sarcopenia Prediction in the Elderly Using Socioeconomic, Infrastructure, and Quality-of-Life Data.

10. Automatic Weight Prediction System for Korean Cattle Using Bayesian Ridge Algorithm on RGB-D Image.

11. A Survey on Perceptions of the Direction of Korean Medicine Education and National Licensing Examination.

12. Associations of stroke with all-cause and cause-specific mortality: A population-based matched cohort study.

13. 전파간섭환경모의방법및CFAR 알고리즘에따른레이다성능변화에관한연구.

14. Predictors of long‐term medication adherence in stroke survivors: A multicentre, prospective, longitudinal study.

15. Overtime and alertness of rotating‐shift nurses: An observational study using ecological momentary assessment.

16. Implementation of Procalcitonin in Antibiotic Stewardship: Derivation of a Consensus Algorithm for Procalcitonin Use in Clinical Practice.

17. Identifying the roots of inequality of opportunity in South Korea by application of algorithmic approaches.

18. Cognitive bias in anticipating mortality risk affects the subjective quality of life and consumption-related lifestyle.

19. Estimation of Phytoplankton Size Classes in the Littoral Sea of Korea Using a New Algorithm Based on Deep Learning.

20. A Centimeter-Wavelength Snowfall Retrieval Algorithm Using Machine Learning.

21. Algorithm of Smart Building Supervision for Detecting and Counting Column Ties Using Deep Learning.

22. Development of a cost analysis-based defect-prediction system with a type error-weighted deep neural network algorithm.

23. Group-tailored feedback on online mental health screening for university students: using cluster analysis.

24. Interpretable machine learning for early neurological deterioration prediction in atrial fibrillation-related stroke.

25. A micro-genetic algorithm (GA v1.7.1a) for combinatorial optimization of physics parameterizations in the Weather Research and Forecasting model (v4.0.3) for quantitative precipitation forecast in Korea.

26. How Does the Coupling of Real-World Policies with Optimization Models Expand the Practicality of Solutions in Reservoir Operation Problems?

27. Estimation of the non-exceedance probability of extreme storm surges in South Korea using tidal-gauge data.

28. Algorithm development for the spool installation sequence of outfitting works in offshore structure.

29. XGBoost-Based Day-Ahead Load Forecasting Algorithm Considering Behind-the-Meter Solar PV Generation.

30. Application of Random Forest Algorithm for Merging Multiple Satellite Precipitation Products across South Korea.