
Showing total 86 results
86 results

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1. Finite-time error bounds for Greedy-GQ.

2. Unified SVM algorithm based on LS-DC loss.

3. Algorithm selection on a meta level.

4. Unsupervised feature selection based on kernel fisher discriminant analysis and regression learning.

5. Transfer learning by mapping and revising boosted relational dependency networks.

6. JGPR: a computationally efficient multi-target Gaussian process regression algorithm.

7. ReliefE: feature ranking in high-dimensional spaces via manifold embeddings.

8. Learning from interpretation transition using differentiable logic programming semantics.

9. Aggregating Algorithm for prediction of packs.

10. Extreme value correction: a method for correcting optimistic estimations in rule learning.

11. RB-CCR: Radial-Based Combined Cleaning and Resampling algorithm for imbalanced data classification.

12. Ordinal regression with explainable distance metric learning based on ordered sequences.

13. An empirical analysis of binary transformation strategies and base algorithms for multi-label learning.

14. Fast and scalable Lasso via stochastic Frank-Wolfe methods with a convergence guarantee.

15. A survey of class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning.

16. New algorithms for trace-ratio problem with application to high-dimension and large-sample data dimensionality reduction.

17. Lifted discriminative learning of probabilistic logic programs.

18. Improved linear embeddings via Lagrange duality.

19. A decomposition of the outlier detection problem into a set of supervised learning problems.

20. On evaluating stream learning algorithms.

21. Experiment databases.

22. Adaptive partitioning schemes for bipartite ranking.

23. Learning to compete, coordinate, and cooperate in repeated games using reinforcement learning.

24. On the equivalence of weak learnability and linear separability: new relaxations and efficient boosting algorithms.

25. The generalization performance of ERM algorithm with strongly mixing observations.

26. Joint feature re-extraction and classification using an iterative semi-supervised support vector machine algorithm.

27. Generalized exploration in policy search.

28. Defying the gravity of learning curve: a characteristic of nearest neighbour anomaly detectors.

29. Triadic Formal Concept Analysis and triclustering: searching for optimal patterns.

30. Consensus hashing.

31. Linearized alternating direction method with parallel splitting and adaptive penalty for separable convex programs in machine learning.

32. Adaptive Euclidean maps for histograms: generalized Aitchison embeddings.

33. Learning policies for battery usage optimization in electric vehicles.

34. Preference-based learning to rank.

35. Extracting certainty from uncertainty: regret bounded by variation in costs.

36. Concept learning in description logics using refinement operators.

37. On structured output training: hard cases and an efficient alternative.

38. An efficient algorithm for learning to rank from preference graphs.

39. Layered critical values: a powerful direct-adjustment approach to discovering significant patterns.

40. Inductive process modeling.

41. Multi-Class Learning by Smoothed Boosting.

42. TAN Classifiers Based on Decomposable Distributions.

43. Microchoice Bounds and Self Bounding Learning Algorithms.

44. Faster Riemannian Newton-type optimization by subsampling and cubic regularization.

45. An accelerated proximal algorithm for regularized nonconvex and nonsmooth bi-level optimization.

46. Imbalanced regression using regressor-classifier ensembles.

47. A parameter-less algorithm for tensor co-clustering.

48. Unconfused ultraconservative multiclass algorithms.

49. Quantum speed-up for unsupervised learning.

50. An extended DEIM algorithm for subset selection and class identification.