
Showing total 1,038 results
1,038 results

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1. Node similarity in the citation graph.

2. Maximum Matching Sans Maximal Matching: A New Approach for Finding Maximum Matchings in the Data Stream Model.

3. MapReduce-based distributed tensor clustering algorithm.

4. Software tools for learning artificial intelligence algorithms.

5. Bit-Close: a fast incremental concept calculation method.

6. Guest Editor's Introduction.

7. Faster algorithms for sparse ILP and hypergraph multi-packing/multi-cover problems.

8. The limits of local search for weighted k-set packing.

9. An Efficient Physically-Based Model for Chinese Brush.

10. A Grid Resource Discovery Method Based on Adaptive k-Nearest Neighbors Clustering.

11. The Tangent FFT.

12. Remote patient monitoring and classifying using the internet of things platform combined with cloud computing.

13. A meta-algorithm for finding large k-plexes.

14. An Efficient Algorithm of Star Subgraph Queries on Urban Traffic Knowledge Graph.

15. A new algorithmic decision for categorical syllogisms via Carroll's diagrams.

16. Extracting Information of Anti-AIDS Inhibitor from the Biological Literature Based on Ontology.

17. A Sketch of a Dynamic Epistemic Semiring.

18. Logiweb - A System for Web Publication of Mathematics.

19. Matlab-Based Problem-Solving Environment for Geometric Processing of Surfaces.

20. On Genome Evolution with Innovation.

21. Robust Quantum Algorithms with ε-Biased Oracles.

22. A Tight Bound on the Number of Mobile Servers to Guarantee the Mutual Transferability Among Dominating Configurations.

23. On deriving test suites for nondeterministic finite state machines with time-outs.

24. On Algorithmic Statistics for Space-bounded Algorithms.

25. Robust Evolutionary Algorithm Design for Socio-economic Simulation.

26. Connected Subgraph Defense Games.

27. TKAP: Efficiently processing top- k query on massive data by adaptive pruning.

28. A Loop Transformation Algorithm for Communication Overlapping.

29. Communication in Networks with Random Dependent Faults.

30. Series-Parallel Languages on Scattered and Countable Posets.

31. Space-Conscious Compression.

32. Using Bit Selection to Do Routing Table Lookup.

33. On Kabatianskii-Krouk-Smeets Signatures.

34. Inverted Edwards Coordinates.

35. Computing Upward Topological Book Embeddings of Upward Planar Digraphs.

36. Algorithms for Minimum m-Connected k-Dominating Set Problem.

37. The Minimum Risk Spanning Tree Problem.

38. Reversal Distance for Strings with Duplicates: Linear Time Approximation Using Hitting Set.

39. Primal-Dual Enumeration for Multiparametric Linear Programming.

40. MAX-SNP Hardness and Approximation of Selected-Internal Steiner Trees.

41. Enumerate and Expand: New Runtime Bounds for Vertex Cover Variants.

42. Improved Algorithms for the Minmax Regret 1-Median Problem.

43. Correlation Dimension and the Quality of Forecasts Given by a Neural Network.

44. The Church-Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth.

45. A Polynomial Space and Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Enumeration of Maximal Motifs in a Sequence.

46. Efficient Online String Matching Based on Characters Distance Text Sampling.

47. A Unified Active Learning Framework for Biomedical Relation Extraction.

48. Special Issue Optimization for Machine Learning Guest Editorial.

49. Formalization and Implementation of Modern SAT Solvers.

50. An Optimal XP Algorithm for Hamiltonian Cycle on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width.