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1. 多视图融合TextRCNN的论文自动推荐算法.

2. Reproducibility of Deep Learning Algorithms Developed for Medical Imaging Analysis: A Systematic Review.

3. Privacy-Preserving Federated Deep Learning Diagnostic Method for Multi-Stage Diseases.

4. Deep Learning Algorithms for Traffic Forecasting: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison with Classical Ones.

5. Reviewing Machine Learning and Image Processing Based Decision-Making Systems for Breast Cancer Imaging.

6. Intelligent Stroke Disease Prediction Model Using Deep Learning Approaches.

7. Source Recommendation System Using Context-based Classification: Empirical Study on Multi-level Ensemble Methods.

8. VIS-SLAM: A Real-Time Dynamic SLAM Algorithm Based on the Fusion of Visual, Inertial, and Semantic Information.

9. An Algorithm for Distracted Driving Recognition Based on Pose Features and an Improved KNN.

10. Critical Appraisal of a Machine Learning Paper: A Guide for the Neurologist.

11. Performance analysis of deep learning-based object detection algorithms on COCO benchmark: a comparative study.

12. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Healthcare.

13. A Semi-Automatic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Annotation Algorithm Based on Semi-Weakly Supervised Learning.

14. Channel Prediction for Underwater Acoustic Communication: A Review and Performance Evaluation of Algorithms.


16. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

17. A cloud edge-based two-level hybrid scheduling learning model in cloud manufacturing.

19. A survey of cryptographic algorithms with deep learning.

20. Research Practice and Progress of Models and Algorithms Applied in Topic Identification and Prediction Based on the Analysis of CNKI.

21. Anti-Similar Visual Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Filter Peak Guidance and Fusion Network.

22. Forecasting model for short-term wind speed using robust local mean decomposition, deep neural networks, intelligent algorithm, and error correction.

23. Research on Obstacle Avoidance Planning for UUV Based on A3C Algorithm.

24. Feature detection and description for image matching: from hand-crafted design to deep learning.

25. DeepEPhishNet: a deep learning framework for email phishing detection using word embedding algorithms.

26. Deep Learning System for User Identification Using Sensors on Doorknobs.

27. Research on Unsupervised Feature Point Prediction Algorithm for Multigrid Image Stitching.

28. 인공지능 기법을 이용한 MCT 가공 제품 품질에 영향을 미치는 특성에 대한 연구.

29. Citation recommendation using modified HITS algorithm.

30. Special Issue on Real-Time Diagnosis Algorithms in Biomedical Applications and Decision Support Tools.

31. Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Light Gradient Boosting Machine.

32. Systematic review of content analysis algorithms based on deep neural networks.

33. DAAM-YOLOV5: A Helmet Detection Algorithm Combined with Dynamic Anchor Box and Attention Mechanism.

34. Cognitive spectrum sensing algorithm based on an RBF neural network and machine learning.

35. LGNN: a novel linear graph neural network algorithm.

36. The Use of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in the Prognosis and Detection of Lymph Node Involvement in Head and Neck Cancer and Possible Impact in the Development of Personalized Therapeutic Strategy: A Systematic Review.

37. Research on Luggage Package Extraction of X-ray Images Based on Edge Sensitive Multi-Channel Background Difference Algorithm.

38. Deep Learning for Structural Health Monitoring: Data, Algorithms, Applications, Challenges, and Trends.

39. Deep learning for the security of software-defined networks: a review.

40. Recent systematic review on student performance prediction using backpropagation algorithms.

41. Low Light Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Detail Prediction and Attention Mechanism.

42. 基于深度学习和Transformer的目标检测算法.

43. Non-iterative approaches in training feed-forward neural networks and their applications.

44. A Comprehensive Literature Review on Image and Video Compression: Trends, Algorithms, and Techniques.

45. Early Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: Integrating Histopathology with Artificial Intelligence.

46. Novel Imaging Approaches for Glioma Classification in the Era of the World Health Organization 2021 Update: A Scoping Review.

47. Cognitive decline assessment using semantic linguistic content and transformer deep learning architecture.

48. Detection of Deepfake Media Using a Hybrid CNN–RNN Model and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm.

49. The use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms in functional magnetic resonance imaging—A systematic review.

50. Data understanding and preparation in business domain: Importance of meta-features characterization.