The inclusion of the Councils of Justice in the «second generation» Statutes of Autonomy responds to one of the most important demands that the Autonomous Communities are doing on matter of justice as a means to bring it to the decentralized structure of the State at its highest stage of evolution, because of the the inability of the system for constitutional reform and the absence of a response in the successive reforms of the organic law. The model embodied in the Catalonian and Andalusian Statutes was characterized by creating, with reference to the organic law, a state organ subordinate to the General Council of the Judiciary, as a decentralized body, also fulfilling articulation functions of the competencies of the Autonomous Community on «administration of the Administration of justice». This model has been very controversial in the literature as regards its compliance with the constitutional framework and, finally, declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, with a decision that has serious contradictions, in the Judgement 31/2010 about the Statue of Catalonia. This paper analyzes the status quaestionis of this matter in an evolutionary perspective of the autonomous State and critically examines the doctrine established in this Judgement by the Constitutional Court, proposing as a possible solution to the created situation, the reform of the Organic Law of the Judicial Power in the same direction and size covered by the statutory reforms and the lines put in the deceased Draft Law amending the Organic Law 6 / 1985, July 1, of the the Judicial Power, on justice of proximity and Justice Councils, approved by the Council of Ministers on December 23, 2005. Such reform, combining the functions now fulfilled by the Boards of Governance of the Superior Courts of Justice with others related to the field of competences of the Autonomous Communities, would allow, in addition to a closer proximity to the social reality of justice, a higher degree of integration and coordination between the two levels of government in this area, thus highlighting the statehood of the government's judicial branch referred to an overall conception of the State and helping to strengthen the unity of the Judiciary in a state that possesses a federal logic and rationality. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]