Shackleton, Ross T., Vimercati, Giovanni, Probert, Anna F., Bacher, Sven, Kull, Christian A., and Novoa, Ana
40 Hulme, P. E., Bacher, S., Kenis, M., Kuhn, I., Pergl, J., Pysek, P., Roques, A., & Vilà, M. (2017). Keywords: conflict; environmental ethics; environmental policy and management; invasive alien species; scientific debate and progression; conflicto; debate y desarrollo científico; especies exóticas invasoras; ética ambiental; política y gestión ambiental EN conflict environmental ethics environmental policy and management invasive alien species scientific debate and progression conflicto debate y desarrollo científico especies exóticas invasoras ética ambiental política y gestión ambiental 1 13 13 10/04/22 20221001 NES 221001 INTRODUCTION There are often different philosophies, ideologies, and approaches to environmental research and conservation management that can cause disagreement and debate (Baldauf & de Oliveira Lunardi, 2020; Lute et al., 2018; Moore et al., 2009; Sandbrook et al., 2019). 24 Dickie, I. A., Bennett, B. M., Burrows, L. E., Nunez, M. A., Peltzer, D. A., Porté, A., Richardson, D. M., Rejmánek, M., Rundel, P. W., & van Wilgen, B. W. (2014). Respondents in the conservative group (Figures 3 & 4) disagreed that invasion science terminology should be revised (terminology factor) (Figures 3d-f & 4b) and with statements that critiqued traditional invasion science values (values factor) (Figures 3a,b,d & 4). 64 Pysek, P., Richardson, D. M., Rejmánek, M., Webster, G. L., Williamson, M., & Kirschner, J. (2004). [Extracted from the article]