Mitsuru Koizumi, Tsuneo Saga, Kyosan Yoshikawa, Kazutoshi Suzuki, Shigeru Yamada, Mitsuhiko Hasebe, Seiya Ohashi, Sherif Abd-Elrazek, Hiroyuki Ishikawa, Kenji Sagou, Katsumi Tamura, Ryusuke Hara, Hirotoshi Kato, Shigeo Yasuda, Takeshi Yanagi, and Hirohiko Tsujii
Abstract Purpose  Progress of the novel carbon ion radiotherapy (CIRT) in the treatment of cancers has created the need for a method to accurately evaluate the response. We investigated whether l-[11C]methyl-methionine (11C-methionine) uptake at pre- and post-CIRT could be an early response predictor in patients with pelvic recurrence of rectal cancer. Procedures  11C-Methionine-positron emission tomography (PET) was performed prospectively in 53 patients with pelvic recurrence of rectal cancer before CIRT, and 48 patients were performed 11C-methionine PET at 1 month after CIRT. 11C-Methionine tumor uptake was measured by the tumor to muscle ratio (T/M ratio). The T/M ratios were evaluated in relation to clinical outcomes such as local re-recurrence, distant metastasis, and survival. The response to CIRT was also judged by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 11C-Methionine PET judgment was compared with CT/MRI judgment regarding the relevance to clinical outcome. Results  Baseline T/M ratio was 5.27â±â1.90 (mean ± SD) in patients without developing local re-recurrence and 7.66â±â3.17 in patients with local re-recurrence (pâ=â0.023, MannâWhitney U test). Post-CIRT T/M ratios were 3.10â±â1.28 in patients without local re-recurrence and 6.15â±â2.98 in patients with local re-recurrence (pâ=â0.006, MannâWhitney U test). By KaplanâMeier analysis with log-rank test, patients with a baseline T/M ratio of â¦7.6 or a post-CIRT T/M ratio of â¦5.0 had significant lower pelvic re-recurrence rate. However, the percent change (reduction rate) from baseline to post-CIRT T/M ratio did not have significant relation to pelvic re-recurrence. There were no significant differences between 11C-methionine results (baseline T/M ratio, post-CIRT T/M ratio and percent change) and other clinical parameters (distant metastasis and survival). Conclusion  11C-methionine-PET can be used for early prediction of local re-recurrence after CIRT. Because CIRT is local therapy, 11C-methionine-PET cannot predict distant metastasis or survival after CIRT. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]