A short and object oriented conspectus of bulk solitary wave theory, numerical simulations and real experiments in condensed matter is given. Upon a brief description of the soliton history and development we focus on bulk solitary waves of strain, also known as waves of density and, sometimes, as elastic and/or acoustic solitons. We consider the problem of nonlinear bulk wave generation and detection in basic structural elements, rods, plates and shells, that are exhaustively studied and widely used in physics and engineering. However, it is mostly valid for linear elasticity, whereas dynamic nonlinear theory of these elements is still far from being completed. In order to show how the nonlinear waves can be used in various applications, we studied the solitary elastic wave propagation along lengthy wave guides, and remarkably small attenuation of elastic solitons was proven in physical experiments. Both theory and generation for strain soliton in a shell, however, remained unsolved problems until recently, and we consider in more details the nonlinear bulk wave propagation in a shell. We studied an axially symmetric deformation of an infinite nonlinearly elastic cylindrical shell without torsion. The problem for bulk longitudinal waves is shown to be reducible to the one equation, if a relation between transversal displacement and the longitudinal strain is found. It is found that both the 1+1D and even the 1+2D problems for long travelling waves in nonlinear solids can be reduced to the Weierstrass equation for elliptic functions, which provide the solitary wave solutions as appropriate limits. We show that the accuracy in the boundary conditions on free lateral surfaces is of crucial importance for solution, derive the only equation for longitudinal nonlinear strain wave and show, that the equation has, amongst others, a bidirectional solitary wave solution, which lead us to successful physical experiments. We observed first the compression solitary wave in the duct-like polymer shell and proved, that there is no tensile area behind the wave, the bulk soliton propagates on a distance many times longer than its wave length, while both its shape and amplitude remain unchanged. We demonstrated recently how the strain solitons can be used for non-destructive testing (NDT) of laminated composites, used nowadays for various applications, e.g., in microelectronics, aerospace and automotive industries, and bulk strain solitons are among prospective instruments for NDT. Being aimed to propose the bulk strain solitons as an instrument for NDT in solids, we studied numerically the evolution of them in various wave guides with local defects, and shown that the strain soliton undergoes changes in amplitude, phase shift and the shape, that are distinctive and can be estimated. To sum up, now we are able to propose a new NDT technique, based on bulk strain soliton propagation in structural elements. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]