Obtaining separate informed consent for blood transfusion is mandatory in some countries. Although patients should be informed about risks and benefits of transfusion, studies suggest this does not happen routinely in the UK and the patient perspective is lacking in the current literature. To explore provision of information and the consent process for patients receiving blood transfusions at our hospital. To assess patient recall of the consent process, information conveyed, ease in understanding discussions and perceived knowledge of transfusion afterwards. All 342 adult patients for whom blood was cross-matched between 1 March 2008 and 30 April 2008 were sent postal questionnaires. One hundred and sixty-four questionnaires were returned. Overall, 59·1% of patients said someone explained they might need a transfusion; of those 86·7% felt the reason had been explained. Only 58·8% of patients felt informed of what transfusion involves, with 67·0% told of the benefits and 27·8% informed of risks. Overall, 51·5% of patients said this information was easy to understand, but only 26·8% were aware of a transfusion information leaflet. Of those receiving leaflets, all said they read it and had no questions. Despite this, 61·9% were satisfied overall with the information received. Information leaflets could increase the information available to patients, with minimal impact on health care professionals' time. Leaflets are available, free of charge, from the National Health Service Blood and Transplant website. These have been introduced at each bedside, in pre-op packs and in outpatient clinics, with re-assessment planned in 6 months. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]