
Showing total 12 results
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1. Développement financier, croissance économique et productivité globale des facteurs en Afrique Sub-saharienne*.

2. The Role of Property Rights in the Relationship between Capital Flows and Economic Growth in SSA: Do Natural Resources Endowment and Country Income Level Matter? .

3. The case for investing in secondary education in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): challenges and opportunities.

4. Institutional Environment and Microfinance Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa.

5. Putting the Cart before the Horse? Re-Examining the Relationship between Domestic Savings and Economic Growth in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries.

6. Culture in sustainable infrastructure.

7. Food Security and Human Development in Africa: Strategic Considerations and Directions for Further Research.

8. Regional Integration and Africa's Development Trajectory: meta-theories, expectations and reality.

9. Does Famine Matter for Aggregate Adolescent Human Capital Acquisition in Sub-Saharan Africa?

10. African Re-Agrarianization? Accumulation or Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth?

11. The work of conservation organisations in sub-Saharan Africa.

12. Macroeconomic Volatility, Trade and Financial Liberalization in Africa