Smahi, M. C., Benmansour, S. A., Hadj-Kacem, A., Ghomari, S. M., Grangaud, J. P., and Touhami, M.
Objective: To investigate food and nutrient intakes in 9-month-old infants. Design: Cross-sectional survey, including 24-hour dietary recalls of infants food and nutrient intakes, as reported by parents. Material and methods: 378 infants (9 months old completed, singleton, born at term in the district of Tlemcen, birth weight a 2,500 grams) were randomly recruited at the time of vaccination against measles, from the 9 immunization's centers in the district of Tlemcen, between 29/11/2007 and 14/10/2008, after parents signed consent. Diet was assessed using a structured 24-hour food recall. Data collection and statistical analyses were performed using Nutri-survey 2007 and SPSS statistics 17.0. In the absence of national guidelines, nutrient intakes were compared with dietary recommended nutritional intakes (RNI) or the Dietary Refe-rence Intakes (DRIs). Results: Globally, all mean macronutrient nutrient intakes, met dietary recommended nutritional intakes. However, daily intakes of some micronutrients (folie acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc and especially iron) were below recommendations. Thus, consi-dering a 10% bioavailability level, 38.1 % of the subjeets had iron intakes less than the recommended nutrient intake and 80% lessthan RNI X 0.77. Conclusions: Daily intakes of micronutrients, especially iron, must be improved. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]