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74 results

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1. Maximum Matching Sans Maximal Matching: A New Approach for Finding Maximum Matchings in the Data Stream Model.

2. The limits of local search for weighted k-set packing.

3. MapReduce-based distributed tensor clustering algorithm.

4. A new algorithmic decision for categorical syllogisms via Carroll's diagrams.

5. Connected Subgraph Defense Games.

6. On Algorithmic Statistics for Space-bounded Algorithms.

7. Efficient Online String Matching Based on Characters Distance Text Sampling.

8. An Optimal XP Algorithm for Hamiltonian Cycle on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width.

9. Hardness and Structural Results for Half-Squares of Restricted Tree Convex Bipartite Graphs.

10. The Fast Search Number of a Complete k-Partite Graph.

11. Predicting edge sign and finding prestige of nodes in networks.

12. On deriving test suites for nondeterministic finite state machines with time-outs.

13. Better and Simpler Approximation Algorithms for the Stable Marriage Problem.

14. A dynamic and fast event matching algorithm for a content-based publish/subscribe information dissemination system in Sensor-Grid.

15. A grid-based node split algorithm for managing current location data of moving objects.

16. Software pipelining of loops by the method of modulo scheduling.

17. Pseudo-Kernelization: A Branch-then-Reduce Approach for FPT Problems.

18. Average-Case Non-Approximability of Optimisation Problems.

19. An R || C max Quantum Scheduling Algorithm.

20. Impact of platform heterogeneity on the design of parallel algorithms for morphological processing of high-dimensional image data.

21. A distributed QoS-Aware multicast routing protocol.

22. A Loop Transformation Algorithm for Communication Overlapping.

23. On Constructive number fields and computability of solutions of PDEs.

24. Linked Dynamic Tries with Applications to LZ-Compression in Sublinear Time and Space.

25. Interval-based temporal functional dependencies: specification and verification.

26. The quantum realization of Arnold and Fibonacci image scrambling.

27. Clutter noise removal in binary document images.

28. Research of semi-supervised spectral clustering based on constraints expansion.

29. Identifying frequent items in distributed data sets.

30. Parallel chaotic Hash function construction based on cellular neural network.

31. Euclidean Prize-Collecting Steiner Forest.

32. Learnable tabu search guided by estimation of distribution for maximum diversity problems.

33. Topological Active Volume 3D segmentation model optimized with genetic approaches.

34. A Property Tester for Tree-Likeness of Quartet Topologies.

35. Linear Time Algorithms for Generalizations of the Longest Common Substring Problem.

36. Model Checking Weighted Integer Reset Timed Automata.

37. Image authentication based on perceptual hash using Gabor filters.

38. The weight-constrained maximum-density subtree problem and related problems in trees.

39. A dynamically self-configurable service process engine.

40. Two-level heaps: a new priority queue structure with applications to the single source shortest path problem.

41. Closing the complexity gap between FCFS mutual exclusion and mutual exclusion.

42. Fractal initialization for high-quality mapping with self-organizing maps.

43. A robust training algorithm of discrete-time MIMO RNN and application in fault tolerant control of robotic system.

44. Combining GA and iterative searching DOA estimation for CDMA signals.

45. The hybrid dynamic parallel scheduling algorithm for load balancing on Chained-Cubic Tree interconnection networks.

46. A problem reduction based approach to discrete optimization algorithm design.

47. Constructive Dimension and Turing Degrees.

48. Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS) Submission Version Finding Most Likely Solutions.

49. Two Algorithms in Search of a Type-System.

50. Weighing Matrices and String Sorting.