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1. Ten Simple Rules for Writing Research Papers.

2. Research on OpenCL optimization for FPGA deep learning application.

3. A device binding method based on content illumination pattern in public display environments.

4. A short certificateless aggregate signature against coalition attacks.

5. Enhancing the robustness of recommender systems against spammers.

6. An improved memory-based collaborative filtering method based on the TOPSIS technique.

7. Intrusion detection system using Online Sequence Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM) in advanced metering infrastructure of smart grid.

8. Uncovering Randomness and Success in Society.

9. AHaH Computing–From Metastable Switches to Attractors to Machine Learning.

10. Linear Mixed Effects Models under Inequality Constraints with Applications.

11. Overlapping Structures in Sensory-Motor Mappings.

12. Different Approaches for Extracting Information from the Co-Occurrence Matrix.

13. Small and Dim Target Detection via Lateral Inhibition Filtering and Artificial Bee Colony Based Selective Visual Attention.

14. Enlarge the Training Set Based on Inter-Class Relationship for Face Recognition from One Image per Person.

15. Applying Pebble-Rotating Game to Enhance the Robustness of DHTs.

16. Metaphor Identification in Large Texts Corpora.

17. A Plea for Neutral Comparison Studies in Computational Sciences.

18. An Improved Swarm Optimization for Parameter Estimation and Biological Model Selection.

19. Accelerating Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering of Time Series Data with a Randomised Algorithm.

20. Automated Authorship Attribution Using Advanced Signal Classification Techniques.

21. Shilling Attacks Detection in Recommender Systems Based on Target Item Analysis.

22. A Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Finding Optimal Designs for Mixture Models.

23. A Multiple Relevance Feedback Strategy with Positive and Negative Models.

24. One-Hot Vector Hybrid Associative Classifier for Medical Data Classification.

25. Integrating Semantic Information into Multiple Kernels for Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literatures.

26. Robust Non-Rigid Point Set Registration Using Student's-t Mixture Model.

27. Gravity Effects on Information Filtering and Network Evolving.

28. Temporal Variation of Streamflow, Sediment Load and Their Relationship in the Yellow River Basin, China.

29. Using Multi-Instance Hierarchical Clustering Learning System to Predict Yeast Gene Function.

30. HybridGO-Loc: Mining Hybrid Features on Gene Ontology for Predicting Subcellular Localization of Multi-Location Proteins.

31. Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation of Text from the Encyclopedia of Life.

32. Learning to Rank Figures within a Biomedical Article.

33. Differential Adhesion between Moving Particles as a Mechanism for the Evolution of Social Groups.

34. Stability Indicators in Network Reconstruction.

35. QuickProbs—A Fast Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithm Designed for Graphics Processors.

36. Texture Classification by Texton: Statistical versus Binary.

37. Redundancy-Aware Topic Modeling for Patient Record Notes.

38. Study of Burn Scar Extraction Automatically Based on Level Set Method using Remote Sensing Data.

39. A New Parameterized Algorithm for Rapid Peptide Sequencing.

40. DiME: A Scalable Disease Module Identification Algorithm with Application to Glioma Progression.

41. Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Interpretable Bayesian Classifiers Combination: Application to Medical Predictions.

42. A Network Based Method for Analysis of lncRNA-Disease Associations and Prediction of lncRNAs Implicated in Diseases.

43. CUSHAW3: Sensitive and Accurate Base-Space and Color-Space Short-Read Alignment with Hybrid Seeding.

44. Twitter: A Good Place to Detect Health Conditions.

45. Biview Learning for Human Posture Segmentation from 3D Points Cloud.

46. Fully Automated Segmentation of the Pons and Midbrain Using Human T1 MR Brain Images.

47. Image Alignment for Tomography Reconstruction from Synchrotron X-Ray Microscopic Images.

48. An Image Encryption Algorithm Utilizing Julia Sets and Hilbert Curves.

49. A Part-Based Probabilistic Model for Object Detection with Occlusion.

50. Numerical Method Using Cubic B-Spline for a Strongly Coupled Reaction-Diffusion System.