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1. Non-negative scaled edge-consensus of saturated networked systems via adaptive output-feedback control.

2. Bipartite finite-time consensus of multi-agent systems with intermittent communication via event-triggered impulsive control.

3. Divide-and-conquer based all spanning tree generation algorithm of a simple connected graph.

4. Effective semi-supervised graph clustering with pairwise constraints.

5. Forward dynamics analysis of origami-folded deployable spacecraft structures.

6. Empirical analysis of algorithms for the shortest negative cost cycle problem.

7. A Gram classification of principal Cox-regular edge-bipartite graphs via inflation algorithm.

8. Clustering by defining and merging candidates of cluster centers via independence and affinity.

9. Efficient computation of arbitrary control dependencies.

10. Computing the numbers of independent sets and matchings of all sizes for graphs with bounded treewidth.

11. Visibility in the topology of complex networks.

12. Weighted compactness function based label propagation algorithm for community detection.

13. Domination parameters with number [formula omitted]: Interrelations and algorithmic consequences.

14. An iteration method for computing the total number of spanning trees and its applications in graph theory.

15. Vertex-colouring of 3-chromatic circulant graphs.

16. A novel algorithm for the generalized network dismantling problem based on dynamic programming.

17. Exploration on the characteristics of 3D crack network expansion induced by hydraulic fracturing: A hybrid approach combining experiments and algorithms.

18. Solving Hamiltonian Cycle by an EPT algorithm for a non-sparse parameter.

19. A new algorithmic framework for basic problems on binary images.

20. Distributed finite-time fault-tolerant containment control for multiple ocean bottom flying nodes.

21. Graph edit distance: Restrictions to be a metric.

22. FPT algorithms for domination in sparse graphs and beyond.

23. An efficient graph-based power flow algorithm for electrical distribution systems with a comprehensive modeling of distributed generations.

24. On graphs with the maximum edge metric dimension.

25. Target observation of complex networks.

26. Visualization and machine learning analysis of complex networks in hyperspherical space.

27. Community detection based on network communicability distance.

28. [formula omitted]Hop approach for dynamic influence maximization problem.

29. Encoding watermark numbers as reducible permutation graphs using self-inverting permutations.

30. A holistic multi-failure mode prognosis approach for complex equipment.

31. Error-tolerant graph matching using node contraction.

32. Visual saliency based on extended manifold ranking and third-order optimization refinement.

33. Reachability for airline networks: fast algorithm for shortest path problem with time windows.

34. Vertex deletion problems on chordal graphs.

35. Polynomial time algorithm for computing a minimum geodetic set in outerplanar graphs.

36. Equimatchable claw-free graphs.

37. Semi-transitive orientations and word-representable graphs.

38. Algorithmic aspects of switch cographs.

39. Finding graph minimum stable set and core via semi-tensor product approach.

40. Precedence tree guided search for the efficient identification of multiple situations of interest – AND/OR graph matching.

41. Independent domination in finitely defined classes of graphs: Polynomial algorithms.

42. A perturbed algorithm for a system of variational inclusions involving H(.,.)-accretive operators in Banach spaces.

43. Sparse feature space representation: A unified framework for semi-supervised and domain adaptation learning.

44. The [formula omitted]-labeling problem: An algorithmic tour.

45. Stochastic stabilization problem of complex networks without strong connectedness.

46. A novel method for overlapping community detection using Multi-objective optimization.

47. A memetic algorithm for determining the nodal attacks with minimum cost on complex networks.

48. A link clustering based memetic algorithm for overlapping community detection.

49. Parameterized algorithms for Edge Biclique and related problems.

50. Parameterized counting matching and packing: A family of hard problems that admit FPTRAS.